Обсуждение: a question about row estimation in postgres


a question about row estimation in postgres

Reynold Xin
I have a rankings table and it has 1302 rows in total. I am a bit confused by how postgres (8.2.11) calculates the cardinality for this rankings table based on < predicates on gradrate attribute.

select histogram_bounds from pg_stats where attname = 'gradrate' and tablename = 'rankings';         histogram_bounds

explain SELECT * FROM rankings WHERE gradrate < 11;                                  QUERY PLAN                                   
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Index Scan using gradrate_idx on rankings  (cost=0.00..44.24 rows=11 width=196)  Index Cond: (gradrate < 11::double precision)
(2 rows)
explain select * from rankings where gradrate < 10;
                                   QUERY PLAN                                   
 Index Scan using gradrate_idx on rankings  (cost=0.00..32.24 rows=7 width=196)
   Index Cond: (gradrate < 10::double precision)
(2 rows)

Both gradrate 10 and gradrate 11 would fall in the first bucket.

Shouldn't the row estimation be:

(11 - 8) / (33 - 8) / 10 * 1302 = 15.624
(10 - 8) / (33 - 8) / 10 * 1302 = 10.416

instead of 11 and 7?

Perhaps I am missing something. I'd appreciate if you can point it out. Thanks!

Reynold Xin

Re: a question about row estimation in postgres

Tomas Vondra
Dne 20.3.2011 08:20, Reynold Xin napsal(a):
> Following the formula outlined
> in http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/row-estimation-examples.html
> Both gradrate 10 and gradrate 11 would fall in the first bucket.
> Shouldn't the row estimation be:
> (11 - 8) / (33 - 8) / 10 * 1302 = 15.624
> and
> (10 - 8) / (33 - 8) / 10 * 1302 = 10.416
> instead of 11 and 7?
> Perhaps I am missing something. I'd appreciate if you can point it out.
> Thanks!

I haven't checked the exact estimation algorithm implementation, but
I've noticed you're using the exact cardinality (1302). The planner does
not have this exact information, it has to work with the value stored in
pg_class.reltuples - what does this query return?

  select reltuples from rankings where relname = 'rankings'

I guess it will be about 900.


Re: a question about row estimation in postgres

Nathan Boley
> Following the formula outlined
> in http://www.postgresql.org/docs/8.3/static/row-estimation-examples.html
> Both gradrate 10 and gradrate 11 would fall in the first bucket.
> Shouldn't the row estimation be:
> (11 - 8) / (33 - 8) / 10 * 1302 = 15.624
> and
> (10 - 8) / (33 - 8) / 10 * 1302 = 10.416
> instead of 11 and 7?
> Perhaps I am missing something. I'd appreciate if you can point it out.

IIRC, you need to subtract the rows that are mcv's from the row count.
ie, you're not working with the full 1302 rows, only the ones that are
not mcv's.
