

"hendra kusuma"
Dear all,

I create a stored function to select some row and return it as cursor.
the function receive some parameter that later I put it in where clause
But I found that select statement runs Case Sensitive
so if I have a record, for example
- id     -nama_pelanggan
- 1     - Wira

I wil get the result if I call it this way : select
penggunaselect('mycursor', 'Wi');
but I don't got any row if I call it like this : select
penggunaselect('mycursor', 'Wi');
I need the search to run in not-case-sensitive mode

so please if you have any suggestion

Thank you

Anyway, this is the code

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION penggunaselect(curs refcursor, pnama
character varying, pgrup character varying, paktif integer)
  RETURNS refcursor AS
  pid_grup integer := 0;
    sqltext character varying = '';
  -- cari id grup
  if pgrup <> '' then
    select id into pid_grup from grup where nama_grup = pgrup;
  end if;

    sqltext = 'select p.nama_pengguna, g.nama_grup, p.login_terakhir,
p.mulai_dibuat, p.aktif, p.id
      from pengguna p, grup g
      where p.id_grup = g.id';

    if pnama <> '' then
        sqltext = sqltext || ' and p.nama_pengguna like ''%' || pnama || '%'' ';
    end if;

    if pid_grup <> 0 then
        sqltext = sqltext || ' and p.id_grup = ' || pid_grup;
    end if;

    if paktif = 1 then
        sqltext = sqltext || ' and p.aktif = true';
    end if;

    if paktif = 2 then
        sqltext = sqltext || ' and p.aktif = false';
    end if;

    sqltext = sqltext || ' order by p.nama_pengguna';

    open curs for execute(sqltext);
  return curs;
  LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';


"Scott Marlowe"
On Fri, Dec 5, 2008 at 9:11 PM, hendra kusuma <penguinroad@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I create a stored function to select some row and return it as cursor.
> the function receive some parameter that later I put it in where clause
> But I found that select statement runs Case Sensitive
> so if I have a record, for example
> - id     -nama_pelanggan
> - 1     - Wira
> I wil get the result if I call it this way : select
> penggunaselect('mycursor', 'Wi');
> but I don't got any row if I call it like this : select
> penggunaselect('mycursor', 'Wi');
> I need the search to run in not-case-sensitive mode

Change like to ilike