Обсуждение: SELECT query experts, anyone?


SELECT query experts, anyone?

"Teemu Juntunen"
Hi Experts,
is threre any way to SELECT values in columns instead of rows? For example select products and their manufacters in the followin way:
product1; manufacturer1; manufacturer2;,,, manufacturerN
product2; manufacturer3;
product3; manufacturer1;.. manufacturerN-1
With a function you could put the product manufacturers in one string, but I would like to have them in columns. 
How about arrays. Is there a way to SELECT values in an array to columns?
Best regards and thanks,
Teemu Juntunen

Re: SELECT query experts, anyone?

Tino Wildenhain
Teemu Juntunen wrote:
> Hi Experts,
> is threre any way to SELECT values in columns instead of rows? For
> example select products and their manufacters in the followin way:
> product1; manufacturer1; manufacturer2;,,, manufacturerN
> product2; manufacturer3;
> product3; manufacturer1;.. manufacturerN-1
> With a function you could put the product manufacturers in one string,
> but I would like to have them in columns.
> How about arrays. Is there a way to SELECT values in an array to columns?

This should work:

SELECT product,array(SELECT manufacturer FROM manufacturers WHERE
manufacturer_id=products.manufacturer_id) WHERE ...

or something along the lines of the above.



Re: SELECT query experts, anyone?

Mark Roberts
If you put this in the application, you could do something such as:

my @manufacturers = fetch("select manufacturer_no, name from
my @select_fields = ('product_no');
foreach my $manufacturer (@manufacturers) {
    my $manuf_no = $manufacturer->{manufacturer_no};
    my $name = $manufacturer->{name};
    push(@select_fields, "case when x.manufacturer_no = $manuf_no then
'$name' else null end as manuf_${manuf_no}_products);

my @outer_select_fields = ('product_no', map { my $manuf = "manuf_" .
$_->{manufacturer_no} . "_products";  "sum($manuf) as $manuf" }

my @dataset = fetch("
select @{[ join(",\n", @outer_select_fields) ]}
from (
    select @{[ join(",\n", @select_fields) ]}
    from products_by_manufacturer x
    ) x
group by product_no

Uh, or something like that.  Perl in Evolution is really.. painful.


On Wed, 2008-08-20 at 15:50 +0300, Teemu Juntunen wrote:
> Hi Experts,
> is threre any way to SELECT values in columns instead of rows? For
> example select products and their manufacters in the followin way:
> product1; manufacturer1; manufacturer2;,,, manufacturerN
> product2; manufacturer3;
> product3; manufacturer1;.. manufacturerN-1
> With a function you could put the product manufacturers in one string,
> but I would like to have them in columns.
> How about arrays. Is there a way to SELECT values in an array to
> columns?
> Best regards and thanks,
> Teemu Juntunen