Обсуждение: "field doesn't exist" even though I'm sure it does


"field doesn't exist" even though I'm sure it does

Tom Hart
Hey everybody. I've got a strange one today. I'm trying to convert an
extremely messy access sql query into something that can be used with
our postgresql database (the pgsql db is being built to replace the
access db). I had barely begun trying to convert it when I was
confronted with this error message:

column "isactive" of relation "membermailingaddress" does not exist

However, a quick \d in psql let's me know that there is indeed a field
"isactive" on that specific table. I can't begin to imagine why it would
throw an error like this.

Here's my psql output, with a simple test query to reproduce the issue,
and a \d membermailingaddress afterwards. Anybody have any ideas?

current=# insert into membermailingaddress(
current(# mb_cn_num,
current(# mb_acct_num,
current(# IsActive,
current(# IsMember
current(# )
current-# VALUES
current-# (
current(# 1,
current(# 1500.0,
current(# TRUE,
current(# FALSE
current(# )
current-# ;
ERROR:  column "isactive" of relation "membermailingaddress" does not exist
LINE 4: IsActive,
current=# \d membermailingaddress
    Table "public.membermailingaddress"
     Column      |     Type     | Modifiers
 mb_cn_num       | integer      |
 mb_acct_num     | numeric(6,1) |
 IsActive        | boolean      |
 IsMember        | boolean      |
 IsMail          | boolean      |
 IsPromoMail     | boolean      |
 HouseholdID     | numeric      |
 HouseholdSize   | integer      |
 Name1           | text         |
 Name2           | text         |
 Addr1           | text         |
 Addr2           | text         |
 Addr3           | text         |
 City            | text         |
 State           | text         |
 Zip             | text         |
 Zip5            | text         |
 xxPrimaryName   | text         |
 xxJointName     | text         |
 xxHouseholdHash | text         |



Thomas R. Hart II

Re: "field doesn't exist" even though I'm sure it does

"Joshua D. Drake"
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 15:13:48 -0500
Tom Hart <tomhart@coopfed.org> wrote:

>  Addr2           | text         |
>  Addr3           | text         |
>  City            | text         |
>  State           | text         |
>  Zip             | text         |
>  Zip5            | text         |
>  xxPrimaryName   | text         |
>  xxJointName     | text         |
>  xxHouseholdHash | text         |
> current=#

It is because when you created the relation you double quoted isactive,
so it isn't isactive it is "isActive". E.g; case is relevant.

Joshua D. Drake

> Thomas R. Hart II
> tomhart@coopfed.org
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: In versions below 8.0,
> the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
> joining column's datatypes do not match

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      === The PostgreSQL Company: Command Prompt, Inc. ===
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)


Re: "field doesn't exist" even though I'm sure it does

Sam Mason
On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 03:13:48PM -0500, Tom Hart wrote:
> column "isactive" of relation "membermailingaddress" does not exist
>    Table "public.membermailingaddress"
>     Column      |     Type     | Modifiers
> -----------------+--------------+-----------
> IsActive        | boolean      |

If you don't enclose an identifier in double quotes (") then PG will
make the identifier lowercase before looking for it.  This is in an
attempt to support case-insensitive general usage, while still allowing
case-sensitive usage if you really want it.


Re: "field doesn't exist" even though I'm sure it does

Tom Hart
Sam Mason wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 16, 2007 at 03:13:48PM -0500, Tom Hart wrote:
>> column "isactive" of relation "membermailingaddress" does not exist
>>    Table "public.membermailingaddress"
>>     Column      |     Type     | Modifiers
>> -----------------+--------------+-----------
>> IsActive        | boolean      |
> If you don't enclose an identifier in double quotes (") then PG will
> make the identifier lowercase before looking for it.  This is in an
> attempt to support case-insensitive general usage, while still allowing
> case-sensitive usage if you really want it.
Ok, that makes sense. Like I said I created this db to mimic our
previous db, but I think the best solution here would be to continue my
trend of using all lowercase column names so that I'm not faced with
this problem.

Thank you for your reply, and you too Joshua. Sorry for such an easy
question :-)
>   Sam
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Re: "field doesn't exist" even though I'm sure it does

"Joshua D. Drake"
Hash: SHA1

On Fri, 16 Nov 2007 15:25:30 -0500
Tom Hart <tomhart@coopfed.org> wrote:
> Ok, that makes sense. Like I said I created this db to mimic our 
> previous db, but I think the best solution here would be to continue
> my trend of using all lowercase column names so that I'm not faced
> with this problem.
> Thank you for your reply, and you too Joshua. Sorry for such an easy 
> question :-)

No sweat :)... I trust you will have more. Bring them on.

Joshua D. Drake

> >   Sam
> >
> > ---------------------------(end of
> > broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 6: explain analyze is
> > your friend 
> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 1: if posting/reading
> through Usenet, please send an appropriate subscribe-nomail command
> to majordomo@postgresql.org so that your message can get through to
> the mailing list cleanly

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      === The PostgreSQL Company: Command Prompt, Inc. ===
Sales/Support: +1.503.667.4564   24x7/Emergency: +1.800.492.2240
PostgreSQL solutions since 1997  http://www.commandprompt.com/
            UNIQUE NOT NULL
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Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
