Обсуждение: should the postgres user have a password?


should the postgres user have a password?

"Anton Melser"
I have never given postgres a password before, but one of my clients
put one on his postgres user - I suppose so he could use the postgres
user from phppgadmin (not my choice !).
But now I can't see how to get my backup scripts to work... can I put
the password for tools like pg_dumpall (or psql, or whatever) on the
CL. There is no option in the docs...
Would it be better to remove the password (if so, any pointers, I
couldn't find that either!) and make postgres only able to connect via
Thanks again,
ps. I did google but obviously couldn't find the right combo of keywords...

Re: should the postgres user have a password?

"Anton Melser"

Re: should the postgres user have a password?

Scott Marlowe
Anton Melser wrote:
> Hi,
> I have never given postgres a password before, but one of my clients
> put one on his postgres user - I suppose so he could use the postgres
> user from phppgadmin (not my choice !).
> But now I can't see how to get my backup scripts to work... can I put
> the password for tools like pg_dumpall (or psql, or whatever) on the
> CL. There is no option in the docs...
> Would it be better to remove the password (if so, any pointers, I
> couldn't find that either!) and make postgres only able to connect via
> pipes?
> Thanks again,
> Anton
> ps. I did google but obviously couldn't find the right combo of
> keywords...

ALso, you can create a user for backups, give them superuser powers, and
make an entry in your pg_hba.conf file for that user from a specific
machine / IP can connect without a password.