Обсуждение: Auto Vacuum question?


Auto Vacuum question?

i set the auto vacuum option to enable. but my database size(hard-disk
space) still increased from 420MB to 440MB in 8 hours. most of the
operations in this database are the "Select" query command, just few
of "Update or Insert".
why it can be increased so strongly?
after i executed the command " vaccumdb -f -z testdb", but the size
just decreased 1 or 2MB...
what's the problem?
how to know which command(select,insert....) takes the hurge loading
to database in this time?

computer environment:
System: Red Hat Enterprise 4
Postgresql Server: 8.0.13
count of client connected : about 100 pc

Re: Auto Vacuum question?

Andrew Sullivan
On Mon, Jun 04, 2007 at 04:15:12AM -0700, ivan.hou@msa.hinet.net wrote:
> after i executed the command " vaccumdb -f -z testdb", but the size
> just decreased 1 or 2MB...
> what's the problem?

vacuumdb -f does a FULL vacuum, which is blocking and compacts the
tables.  If it only compacted 1 or 2 M, then there are two

1.    You really do have that much data.  You haven't told us
anything about the data, what it looks like, how wide the tables are,
whether you have large objects &c., whether the character set is
multibyte. . .

2.    You have at least one long-running transaction that is
perhaps doing nothing, but that is preventing VACUUM from recovering
space.  What does ps -auxww | grep postgres (or something equivalant)
show you?


Andrew Sullivan  | ajs@crankycanuck.ca
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