Обсуждение: tsearch2 benchmarks, Oleg gets prize


tsearch2 benchmarks, Oleg gets prize

    tsearch2 versus mysql FULLTEXT in the context of a large forum.

    I guess you know the answer already, but it never hurts to have nice
graphics to show your boss.


    I will upload new versions with more results, and maybe other engines, as
I can.
    If someone is really interested, it would be interesting to run this
stuff on a real server.

Re: tsearch2 benchmarks, Oleg gets prize

Oleg Bartunov
This is very interesting and I'm interested if you write a paper, so
we could reference on.
Two days ago I gave a talk on Russian Internet Technologies  conference
about new FTS we developed for 8.3 version and there was real interest.

btw, there are several performance optimization tips for tsearch2 you could
1. partition your data using table inheritance + constraint exclusion,
    so GiST index for fresh data and GiN index for archive part,
    also, CE will save from scanning unnecessary tables.
2. distribute data over several servers and use dblink to get results,
something like

select dblink_connect('pgweb','dbname=pgweb hostaddr='XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX');

select * from dblink('pgweb',
'select  tid, title, rank_cd(fts_index, q) as rank from pgweb,
to_tsquery(''table'') q
where q @@ fts_index and tid >= 6000 order by rank desc limit 10' )
as t1 (tid integer, title text, rank real)

union all

select tid, title,  rank_cd(fts_index, q) as rank from pgweb,
to_tsquery('table') q
where q @@ fts_index and tid < 6000 and tid > 0 order by rank desc limit 10

) as foo
order by rank desc limit 10;

3. If you could read russian, I have several papers about new FTS.
We have FTSBOOK in English

On Thu, 19 Apr 2007, Listmail wrote:

>     tsearch2 versus mysql FULLTEXT in the context of a large forum.
>     I guess you know the answer already, but it never hurts to have nice
> graphics to show your boss.
>     http://peufeu.free.fr/ftsbench/
>     I will upload new versions with more results, and maybe other
> engines, as I can.
>     If someone is really interested, it would be interesting to run this
> stuff on a real server.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

Oleg Bartunov, Research Scientist, Head of AstroNet (www.astronet.ru),
Sternberg Astronomical Institute, Moscow University, Russia
Internet: oleg@sai.msu.su, http://www.sai.msu.su/~megera/
phone: +007(495)939-16-83, +007(495)939-23-83