Обсуждение: issue when export/import table including pictures


issue when export/import table including pictures

"Alain Roger"

As i did not get any answer yesterday i'm asking it again.
I have a table with pictures stored as bytea field.
I'm able to export them from my database hosted by my web supplier.
However, when i try to import them to my local database, i get 2 types of error message (based on how i import them)

1. if import is done by SQL -> run SQL script in phppgadmin : error message is " No server supplied!"
2. if import is done by Import function from a table in phppgadmin : error message is "Import error: File could not be uploaded to the server"

here is a sample of my export table in SQL format :

--SET client_encoding = 'UTF8';
--SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
--SET check_function_bodies = false;
--SET client_min_messages = warning;
--SET escape_string_warning = off;

SET search_path = immense, pg_catalog;
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('photo_photo_id_seq', 30, true);
INSERT INTO photo VALUES (1, 1, '2007-02-25 00:00:00', '\\377\\330\\377\\3412\\004Exif\\000 ..... 32E\\303\\215\\235?\\377\\331');

i truncated the last field due to its length :-)
SO as i have such problem with phppgadmin, i use pgadmin GUI under windows.
But pgadmin deletes the bytea information in thie INSERT INTO SQL command :-( and i do not know why.
what could be the problem ?
thanks for your help.

Windows XP SP2
PostgreSQL 8.1.4
Apache 2.0.58

Re: issue when export/import table including pictures

John DeSoi
Try importing your file using psql. Once you have that working, it
might help you understand why it is failing with phppgadmin. I
thought phppgadmin used pg_restore to restore files. Does pg_restore
really work on SQL files, or just binary files? I don't recall offhand.


On Apr 15, 2007, at 3:33 AM, Alain Roger wrote:

> As i did not get any answer yesterday i'm asking it again.
> I have a table with pictures stored as bytea field.
> I'm able to export them from my database hosted by my web supplier.
> However, when i try to import them to my local database, i get 2
> types of error message (based on how i import them)
> 1. if import is done by SQL -> run SQL script in phppgadmin : error
> message is " No server supplied!"
> 2. if import is done by Import function from a table in
> phppgadmin : error message is "Import error: File could not be
> uploaded to the server"

John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL