Обсуждение: SQL Question - Group By and % results per row


SQL Question - Group By and % results per row

I have a SQL statement that uses group-by to generate reports as such:

GroupField        Clicks
----------------        -----------
Page 1              50
Page 2              20
Page 3              30

Now, as an added field, I also want it to tell me what percent of
total clicks each row represents.

GroupField        Clicks             Percent
----------------        -----------           ------------
Page 1              50                   50%
Page 2              20                   20%
Page 3              30                   30%

How do I get access to the total of all clicks on per row basis so I
can divide it? The only solution that comes to my mind is create a
subquery that does a (select count(*) from... where... ) of the
original grouped by sql statement.

Thank you for your help in advance,

Re: SQL Question - Group By and % results per row

Bruno Wolff III
On Mon, Mar 12, 2007 at 12:53:11 -0700,
  Mike <akiany@gmail.com> wrote:
> How do I get access to the total of all clicks on per row basis so I
> can divide it? The only solution that comes to my mind is create a
> subquery that does a (select count(*) from... where... ) of the
> original grouped by sql statement.

That's how you do it.