Обсуждение: transaction confusion


transaction confusion

Sim Zacks
I have a function that deletes all the values in a table and then
inserts the data again. If this function is run in 2 sessions at the
same time then it populates it twice, giving me a unique value error,
because one of the fields is supposed to be unique.
I understand this because the second time it is run, the function does
not see the delete as the first transaction is still running, so it
deletes the same data the first one deleted and does not know that the
new data exists when it starts to delete. I need a table level lock to
prevent this from happening.

I have a second function that takes 3 time as long to run and also
includes a delete and insert statement as well as a lot of other stuff.
The weird thing is if this function is run in two separate sessions at
the same time the data is not duplicated.
There is no lock and I don't have a unique index on this table and when
the process is finished running there is the same number of records
whether I run it once or twice. This is how I would like it to run, but
I have to know why it works, otherwise I'll be worried that it will bite
me in a couple months because something surfaces that I didn't look at

I have tested it in PGAdmin. The first staements of the function are
delete and insert. When I run just the delete and insert at the same
time, then it puts in double the records. When I run the function at the
same time then it only puts in the records once. Its as if the function
is waiting for the first function to completely finish before starting.

The function that duplicates (and causes the error) is just a straight
delete and insert. The one that doesn't includes a for loop on a select
with an update statement (on the same table it is selecting from) in the
loop AFTER the delete and insert statements.

Does this make any sense?

Re: transaction confusion

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Sun, Sep 17, 2006 at 10:32:12AM +0200, Sim Zacks wrote:
> I have a function that deletes all the values in a table and then
> inserts the data again. If this function is run in 2 sessions at the
> same time then it populates it twice, giving me a unique value error,
> because one of the fields is supposed to be unique.


> Does this make any sense?

Not overly much to me anyway. Could you provide some cut-and-paste
output from a psql session so we can see the actual commands you're
typing. It's possible the actual deletes and inserts are coded in a way
to cause a problem...

Hope this helps,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> From each according to his ability. To each according to his ability to litigate.


Re: transaction confusion

Sim Zacks
This function, when run in 2 separate sessions at the same time, causes a duplicate key error
because popartid is a primary key. This makes sense to me. When the function is run in the second
session it doesn't know about the transaction currently running in the first session. Therefore,
when it does its delete, it obviously doesn't delete that data. When the first one finishes it puts
the data into the table. When the second one finishes, it attempts to put its data into the table
but finds records already there, which violate the primary key and cause an error.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION populaterescheduleparts()
   RETURNS void AS
delete from reschedulepoparts;
  insert into reschedulepoparts(popartid,priority,rescqty)
SELECT a.popartid, a.priority, sum(b.rescqty)
    FROM reschedulepoparts_2 a
    JOIN reschedulepoparts_1 b ON a.popartid = b.popartid AND a.priority = b.priority
group by a.popartid, a.priority;

The next one is a bit longer. I would expect that if it was run in 2 separate sessions that 1) it
would generate the same error as the first one generated, because it also populates the same table
and 2) that there would be twice the number of records in the stat_allocated_components table.
However, no matter how many tests I run, this function always exits with the correct number of rows
in the table and without error.

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION populate_allocated_components()
   RETURNS void AS

    statrec stat_allocated_components;
    crs refcursor;
    statpos stat_allocated_components;
    v_partid int;
    v_lfbused int8;
    v_lfused int8;
    v_lused int8;
    v_polf int8;
    v_pol int8;
    v_polfb int8;
    v_availableLF int8;
    v_availableL int8;
    v_availableLFB int8;
    v_balancel int8;
    v_balancelf int8;
    leftovers int8;
    futurel int8;
    futurelf int8;
    futurelfb int8;
    beforeupdate int8;
    v_firstneedl date;
    v_firstneedlf date;
    sumqty int8;
    rowresc record;
    leadfound bool;
    tqty int8;
update systemsettings set lastranallocated = now();

delete from stat_allocated_components;
delete from reschedulepoparts;

insert into stat_allocated_components(partid,quantity,assembliesbatchid,assemblyname,
  SELECT a.partid, a.quantity, c.assembliesbatchid, d.assemblyname,0,
             WHEN (c.entrydate + '49 days'::interval) < c.lastmodified
          THEN c.lastmodified
             ELSE c.entrydate + '49 days'::interval
         END::timestamp with time zone AS duedate,
    case when d.leadfree
        then coalesce(g.totallf,0)
        else coalesce(g.totallead,0)
    end AS stock,
     case when d.leadfree
         then 1
        else 2
FROM  assemblies d  JOIN assembliesbatch c
  ON d.assemblyid = c.assemblyid
    JOIN allocatedassemblies a  ON a.assembliesbatchid = c.assembliesbatchid
  left Join stockperownerandleadstate g on g.partid=a.partid and g.ownerid=1
   WHERE c.assembliesbatchstatusid in (1,2,4,7) and a.quantity<0;

insert into

  SELECT a.partid,  a.quantity, a.popartid AS assembliesbatchid,
    a.poref AS assemblyname, a.popartid AS popartid,
    a.expecteddate AS duedate,
    FROM expectedpodelivery a
     Left join stockperownerandleadstate g on g.partid=a.partid and g.ownerid=1

for statrec in select * from stat_allocated_components order by partid,duedate,assembliesbatchid
    if v_partid<>statrec.partid then
    end if;
    if statrec.quantity<0 then
        v_balancel:=statrec.stock -(v_lused+v_lfbused)+v_pol + v_polfb+case when not statrec.leadfree then
statrec.quantity else 0 end;
        v_balancelf:=statrec.stock -(v_lfused+v_lfbused)+v_polf + v_polfb+case when statrec.leadfree then
statrec.quantity else 0 end;
        if v_balancel<0 and v_firstneedl is null then
        end if;
        if v_balancelf<0 and v_firstneedlf is null then
        end if;
        update stat_allocated_components set


balance=case when statrec.leadfree then v_balancelf else v_balancel end, instock=case when
statrec.leadfree then v_balancelf else v_balancel end>0 where id=statrec.id;

        v_lfbused:=v_lfbused+lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(case when statrec.leadfree then
greaterof(v_availablelf,0) else greaterof(v_availablel,0)
        if statrec.leadfree then
            v_lfused:=v_lfused+lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) -
            leftovers:= abs(statrec.quantity)-
                            (lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) -
                                    lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) -
                                greaterof(v_availablelf,0)) +
                                lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) -

            v_lused:=v_lused+lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) - lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) -
            leftovers:= abs(statrec.quantity)-
                            (lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) -
                                    lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) -
                                greaterof(v_availablel,0)) +
                                lesserof(abs(statrec.quantity) -
        end if;
        if leftovers>0 then
            if crs is not null then
                close crs;
            end if;
            open crs for select * from stat_allocated_components where quantity>0 and partid=statrec.partid
and (duedate>statrec.duedate or (duedate=statrec.duedate and
assembliesbatchid>statrec.assembliesbatchid)) order by duedate,assembliesbatchid;
            fetch crs into statpos;
            While found LOOP
                if statpos.leadstateid =1 and statrec.leadfree then
                    v_lfused:=v_lfused + lesserof(leftovers,futurelf+v_polf+statrec.lf-v_lfused);
                elsif statpos.leadstateid = 2 and not statrec.leadfree then
                    v_lused:=v_lused + lesserof(leftovers,futurel+v_pol+statrec.l-v_lused);
                elsif statpos.leadstateid in (3,4) then
                    v_lfbused:=v_lfbused + lesserof(leftovers,futurelfb+v_polfb+statrec.lfb-v_lfbused);
                end if;
                if leftovers=0 then
                end if;
                fetch crs into statpos;
            end LOOP;
            if leftovers<>0 then
                if statrec.leadfree then
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;

        if statrec.leadstateid = 2 then
            if v_balancel<0 then
                insert into reschedulepoparts(popartid,priority,rescqty)
                if lesserof(-v_balancel,statrec.quantity)=-v_balancel then
                    for rowresc in select duedate,leadfree,balance from stat_allocated_components where not
leadfree and duedate>=v_firstneedl and balance<0 and duedate<=statrec.duedate and partid=v_partid
order by duedate,assembliesbatchid Loop
                        if sumqty>statrec.quantity then
                        end if;
                    End Loop;
                end if;
            end if;
        elsif statrec.leadstateid=1 then
            if v_balancelf<0 then
                insert into reschedulepoparts(popartid,priority,rescqty)
                if lesserof(-v_balancelf,statrec.quantity)=-v_balancelf then
                    for rowresc in select duedate,leadfree,balance from stat_allocated_components where leadfree
and duedate>=v_firstneedlf and balance<0 and duedate<=statrec.duedate and partid=v_partid  order by
duedate,assembliesbatchid Loop
                        if sumqty>statrec.quantity then
                        end if;
                    End Loop;

                end if;
            end if;
        elsif statrec.leadstateid in (3,4) then
            if v_balancelf<0 or v_balancel<0 then
                insert into reschedulepoparts(popartid,priority,rescqty)

lesserof(-(lesserof(v_balancelf,v_balancel)),statrec.quantity)=-(lesserof(v_balancelf,v_balancel)) then
                    for rowresc in select duedate,leadfree,balance from stat_allocated_components where
duedate>=v_firstneedlf and balance<0 and duedate<=statrec.duedate and partid=v_partid order by
duedate,assembliesbatchid Loop
                        if leadfound is null then
                            if sumqty>statrec.quantity then
                                if rowresc.leadfree then
                                end if;
                            end if;
                            if leadfound and rowresc.leadfree then
                            elsif not leadfound and not rowresc.leadfree then
                            end if;
                        end if;
                    End Loop;
                end if;
            end if;
        end if;
    end if;
End Loop;

Martijn van Oosterhout wrote:
> On Sun, Sep 17, 2006 at 10:32:12AM +0200, Sim Zacks wrote:
>> I have a function that deletes all the values in a table and then
>> inserts the data again. If this function is run in 2 sessions at the
>> same time then it populates it twice, giving me a unique value error,
>> because one of the fields is supposed to be unique.
> <snip>
>> Does this make any sense?
> Not overly much to me anyway. Could you provide some cut-and-paste
> output from a psql session so we can see the actual commands you're
> typing. It's possible the actual deletes and inserts are coded in a way
> to cause a problem...
> Hope this helps,

Re: transaction confusion

Tom Lane
Sim Zacks <sim@compulab.co.il> writes:
> This function, when run in 2 separate sessions at the same time,
> causes a duplicate key error because popartid is a primary key.
> ...
> The next one is a bit longer. I would expect that if it was run in 2
> separate sessions that 1) it would generate the same error as the
> first one generated,

I would expect that too, assuming that it actually inserts the same set
of rows into the table as the first one does (how sure are you of that?).
I wonder whether you are testing them both under identical conditions.
In particular, is the initial DELETE really doing anything or is the
table usually empty to start with anyway?  If there is something to
delete then that ought to serialize the two sessions, leading to no
error (because the second guy in will wait to see if the first guy
commits his deletion).

[ eyeballs second function some more... ]  Actually, the second
function is guaranteed to be serialized by that initial
"update systemsettings" --- I assume that's a one-row table?  The second
guy in will be unable to get past that until the first guy commits, and
then he'll see the first guy's updates and there will be no error.
I think the reason you are seeing failures in the first function is
that the initial DELETE is a no-op so it doesn't serialize anything,
and then there is conflict when the two INSERTs proceed in parallel.

            regards, tom lane

Re: transaction confusion

Sim Zacks
 > I think the reason you are seeing failures in the first function is
 > that the initial DELETE is a no-op so it doesn't serialize anything,
 > and then there is conflict when the two INSERTs proceed in parallel.

There is always data in the table that it deletes. So, according to that, with the first function
the second process should be running serially and for some reason it is running in parallel.
I just ran the function and there are now 61 rows in the table. I ran it again and there are still
61 rows in the table. I ran them both at the same time and:

ERROR: duplicate key violates unique constraint "reschedulepoparts1_pkey"
SQL state: 23505
Context: SQL statement "insert into reschedulepoparts(popartid,priority,rescqty) SELECT a.popartid,
a.priority, sum(b.rescqty) FROM reschedulepoparts_2 a JOIN reschedulepoparts_1 b ON a.popartid =
b.popartid AND a.priority = b.priority group by a.popartid, a.priority"
PL/pgSQL function "populaterescheduleparts" line 3 at SQL statement

My database is postgresql 8.0.4 running on gentoo. Is there anything else I can do to give you debug

 > [ eyeballs second function some more... ]  Actually, the second
 > function is guaranteed to be serialized by that initial
 > "update systemsettings" --- I assume that's a one-row table?  The second
 > guy in will be unable to get past that until the first guy commits, and
 > then he'll see the first guy's updates and there will be no error.

Now I understand why the second one does not cause an error, because of the update statement. (Yes,
it is a one record table). The question is why the first function is not running serially.

Tom Lane wrote:
> Sim Zacks <sim@compulab.co.il> writes:
>> This function, when run in 2 separate sessions at the same time,
>> causes a duplicate key error because popartid is a primary key.
>> ...
>> The next one is a bit longer. I would expect that if it was run in 2
>> separate sessions that 1) it would generate the same error as the
>> first one generated,
> I would expect that too, assuming that it actually inserts the same set
> of rows into the table as the first one does (how sure are you of that?).
> I wonder whether you are testing them both under identical conditions.
> In particular, is the initial DELETE really doing anything or is the
> table usually empty to start with anyway?  If there is something to
> delete then that ought to serialize the two sessions, leading to no
> error (because the second guy in will wait to see if the first guy
> commits his deletion).
> [ eyeballs second function some more... ]  Actually, the second
> function is guaranteed to be serialized by that initial
> "update systemsettings" --- I assume that's a one-row table?  The second
> guy in will be unable to get past that until the first guy commits, and
> then he'll see the first guy's updates and there will be no error.
> I think the reason you are seeing failures in the first function is
> that the initial DELETE is a no-op so it doesn't serialize anything,
> and then there is conflict when the two INSERTs proceed in parallel.
>             regards, tom lane
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
>        choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
>        match

Re: transaction confusion

Sim Zacks
 > I think the reason you are seeing failures in the first function is
 > that the initial DELETE is a no-op so it doesn't serialize anything,
 > and then there is conflict when the two INSERTs proceed in parallel.

Here is a simple, reproducible example that delete doesn't cause it to use serial:
create table testserial(id serial primary key, val int);
create or replace function inserttest()returns int as
    delete from testserial;
    for i in 1..100000 loop
        insert into testserial(val) values(i);
    end Loop;
    return 1;
$$ language 'plpgsql';

select inserttest();

Now there are 100,000 records in the table.

Run the function from 2 different sessions at the same time and you will see that there are 200,000
records in the table and not 100,000 records.

I also tested with an update statement:
create or replace function inserttest()returns int as
    update testserial set val=5 where val=1;
    delete from testserial;
    for i in 1..100000 loop
        insert into testserial(val) values(i);
    end Loop;
    return 1;
$$ language 'plpgsql';

When this function is run twice at the same time, it actually does run in serial and there is only
100,000 records in the table.

Tom Lane wrote:

Re: transaction confusion

Martijn van Oosterhout
On Mon, Sep 18, 2006 at 10:31:26AM +0200, Sim Zacks wrote:
> > I think the reason you are seeing failures in the first function is
> > that the initial DELETE is a no-op so it doesn't serialize anything,
> > and then there is conflict when the two INSERTs proceed in parallel.
> Here is a simple, reproducible example that delete doesn't cause it to use
> serial:

I wonder if you set the transaction mode to "serializable" whether that
would make a difference. In standard read-committed the way it works
below seems to be what's expected (each transaction sees what was
committed at the time is ran).

Have a ncie day,
Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> From each according to his ability. To each according to his ability to litigate.


Re: transaction confusion

Sim Zacks
> I wonder if you set the transaction mode to "serializable" whether that
> would make a difference. In standard read-committed the way it works
> below seems to be what's expected (each transaction sees what was
> committed at the time is ran).

I tried running this in both windows at the same time (this is the inserttest() without the update
statment at the beginning):
select inserttest();

and I got this error:
ERROR: could not serialize access due to concurrent update
SQL state: 40001
Context: SQL statement "delete from testserial"
PL/pgSQL function "inserttest" line 2 at SQL statement

Re: transaction confusion

Tom Lane
Sim Zacks <sim@compulab.co.il> writes:
> Here is a simple, reproducible example that delete doesn't cause it to use serial:

If you add
    raise notice 'past the delete';
between the DELETE and the insert loop, you will discover that the
second guy in fact doesn't manage to complete the DELETE until the first
one commits.  He's finding the first deletable row, noticing that the
first guy has a delete in progress on it, and waiting till the first
guy commits.  He then finishes scanning the table, but finds nothing he
can delete --- every tuple visible to his snapshot is already committed
deleted, and the rows added by the first guy aren't visible.  Then when
he gets to the next command, he takes a new snapshot, and suddenly the
first guy's insertions *are* visible.

Basically the reason that your complicated function works is that the
update on the single-table row creates a serialization point before the
snapshot for the DELETE is taken, while the simpler function serializes
inside the DELETE --- after that snap is taken.

            regards, tom lane