Обсуждение: function taking a long time. any options o speed it up.


function taking a long time. any options o speed it up.

"Rhys Stewart"
Hi all,

i created a function and it takes a long time to run. I was testing it
as a wrote it and to the first drop table it takes just short of a
second. however when the rest of the code is added on, it takes
upwards of 5 minutes. Not the most appropriate thing. Are there any
tips out there for making functions go faster?

the code follows:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION "public".interp_point(character varying)
RETURNS varchar
LANGUAGE plpgsql

rout ALIAS FOR $1;
onlygeom geometry;
mathai record;
minthresh integer;
maxthresh integer;
tempname varchar;
amount integer;
total integer;
recset record;
route_len float8;
route_time integer;
prem_time integer;
cur_perc numeric(5,2) default 50;
perc_old numeric(5,2) default 50;
dif  numeric(5,2) default 0;
    tempname := 'tmp_'||$1;
    EXECUTE 'create table ' || tempname || ' as select
route,centroid(geomunion(the_geom)) from route where route = ' ||
quote_literal(rout) || ' group by route';
    EXECUTE 'SELECT distance(the_geom,(select centroid from '||
tempname ||' ))::int as dist from route where route = '||
quote_literal(rout) ||'order by dist limit 1' into minthresh;
    EXECUTE 'SELECT distance(the_geom,(select centroid from '||
tempname ||' ))::int as dist from route where route = '||
quote_literal(rout) ||'order by dist desc limit 1' into maxthresh;
    EXECUTE 'SELECT count(prem) from route where route = ' ||
quote_literal(rout) || '  AND the_geom && expand((select centroid from
' || tempname ||'),'|| minthresh||')' into amount;
    SELECT INTO total count(prem) from route where route = rout;
    SELECT INTO cur_perc ((amount::float/total::float)*100)::numeric(5,2);
          minthresh := minthresh + 90;
          perc_old :=  cur_perc;
          EXECUTE 'SELECT count(prem) from route where route = '
            || quote_literal(rout)
            || '  AND the_geom && expand((select centroid from '
            || tempname ||'),'|| minthresh||')' into amount;
          select into cur_perc ((amount::float/total::float)*100)::numeric(5,2);
          dif := abs(cur_perc - perc_old);
          IF dif < 3.25 AND cur_perc > 40 THEN
          END IF;

    EXECUTE 'UPDATE ROUTE SET the_geom = null, matchtype = ' ||
quote_literal('4GEOCODE') || ' where route = '
    || quote_literal(rout) || ' AND the_geom is null OR (matchtype ~* '
|| quote_literal('route') || 'OR matchtype ~* '||
quote_literal('t[e]*mp') || 'OR matchtype ~* '||
    || 'OR matchtype ~* '|| quote_literal('fuzzy') || 'OR matchtype ~*
'|| quote_literal('cent')
    ||') OR prem NOT in (select prem from route where route = '   ||
quote_literal(rout) || '  and  the_geom && expand((select centroid
from ' || tempname ||'),'|| minthresh||'))';
    EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE '|| tempname;
    EXECUTE 'create table ' || tempname || ' as select
makeline(the_geom) from (SELECT the_geom from route where route = '
||quote_literal(rout)|| 'order by timestamp) as the_geom ';
    EXECUTE 'SELECT length(makeline) FROM ' ||tempname INTO route_len;
    EXECUTE 'SELECT time2sec((select timestamp from route where route
= '||quote_literal(rout)||' order by timestamp desc limit 1) - (select
timestamp from route where route = '
    ||quote_literal(rout) || 'order by timestamp  limit 1))' INTO route_time;
    FOR  mathai IN EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM route WHERE route = ' ||
quote_literal(rout) || ' AND matchtype = '||quote_literal('4GEOCODE')
||' order by timestamp' LOOP
    EXECUTE 'SELECT time2sec((select timestamp from route where route =
'||quote_literal(rout)||' order by timestamp desc limit 1) - (select
timestamp from route where prem = '
    ||quote_literal(mathai.prem)||'))' INTO prem_time;
    perc_old:= (route_time - prem_time)/route_time;
    EXECUTE 'SELECT line_interpolate_point((SELECT makeline from '||
tempname ||') ,' ||perc_old||')' INTO onlygeom;
    EXECUTE 'UPDATE route SET the_geom = '|| quote_literal(onlygeom) ||
'WHERE prem = ' || quote_literal(mathai.prem);
EXECUTE 'DROP TABLE '|| tempname;
select into recset route_len, amount,total,cur_perc,minthresh,maxthresh,dif;
    RETURN recset;



Re: function taking a long time. any options o speed it up.

Michael Fuhr
On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 08:11:40AM -0500, Rhys Stewart wrote:
> i created a function and it takes a long time to run. I was testing it
> as a wrote it and to the first drop table it takes just short of a
> second. however when the rest of the code is added on, it takes
> upwards of 5 minutes. Not the most appropriate thing. Are there any
> tips out there for making functions go faster?

Find out what parts of the function are slow.  Have you used RAISE
to display the function's progress?  Have you executed any of the
queries by hand to see how fast they run?  Have you used EXPLAIN
ANALYZE to see if you could benefit from rewriting a query, adding
indexes, or tuning configuration settings?

The UPDATE statement with the ORs and regular expression matches
looks like it might be slow.  Is it?

Michael Fuhr

Re: function taking a long time. any options o speed it up.

"Rhys Stewart"
well i started by creating a table with the data i needed, instead of
working on the big table....that helped a whole lot.

On 7/18/06, Michael Fuhr <mike@fuhr.org> wrote:
> On Tue, Jul 18, 2006 at 08:11:40AM -0500, Rhys Stewart wrote:
> > i created a function and it takes a long time to run. I was testing it
> > as a wrote it and to the first drop table it takes just short of a
> > second. however when the rest of the code is added on, it takes
> > upwards of 5 minutes. Not the most appropriate thing. Are there any
> > tips out there for making functions go faster?
> Find out what parts of the function are slow.  Have you used RAISE
> to display the function's progress?  Have you executed any of the
> queries by hand to see how fast they run?  Have you used EXPLAIN
> ANALYZE to see if you could benefit from rewriting a query, adding
> indexes, or tuning configuration settings?
> The UPDATE statement with the ORs and regular expression matches
> looks like it might be slow.  Is it?
> --
> Michael Fuhr