Обсуждение: Re: version problem with pg_dump


Re: version problem with pg_dump

"Brian Kitzberger"
Hi Steve,

pg_dump --version    returned 7.4.8
pg_dumpall --version returned 7.4.8
psql *version  returned 7.4.8
which pg_dump  returned /usr/bin/pg_dump
which pg_dumpall   returned /usr/bin/pg_dump
which psql  returned /usr/bin/psql

To find the file I used from the root
find . -name pg_dump

I have never installed any other version than 8.1.3.


>>> Steve Crawford <scrawford@pinpointresearch.com> 3/23/2006 11:29 AM >>>
Brian Kitzberger wrote:
> Hi Tom,
> I decided to test your theory that I had an old version of Postgres on
> my system when I installed version 8.1.3.  By the way, the Linux install
> we a fresh one to start with.  So this morning I first did a search on
> my system for all pg_dump files, and wrote the locations down.  I them
> removed the entire file structure of postgresql-8.1.3 from my system.  I
> then did a system search for pg_dump again to confirm that all files by
> the name of pg_dump were removed, which they were.  I then re-installed
> PostgreSQL version 8.1.3.  After completing, I did a system search for
> the pg_dump again and found them in the locations I expected.  I them
> recreated my database and tested the pg_dump.  I got the same error.
> Version mismatch with the same version numbers as before.  I think that
> an old version of pg_dump is bundled up with the install of version
> 8.1.3.  How can I get the correct version of pg_dump?  Or any of the
> other files that are not the correct version?

What is the result of the following:
pg_dump --version
pg_dumpall --version
psql --version
which pg_dump
which pg_dumpall
which psql

What method did you use to search for files?


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Re: version problem with pg_dump

Tom Lane
"Brian Kitzberger" <KITZBERGERB@mail.co.stanislaus.ca.us> writes:
> which pg_dump  returned /usr/bin/pg_dump
> which pg_dumpall   returned /usr/bin/pg_dump
> which psql  returned /usr/bin/psql

Didn't you say that you had installed PG 8.1.3 in a separate directory
tree (something about postgresql-8.1.3)?  Maybe your problem is not
having changed your PATH to find those files before the default ones
in /usr/bin.

> I have never installed any other version than 8.1.3.

No, but 7.4.8 very possibly could have come with your OS.

            regards, tom lane