Обсуждение: Cube/Rollup/ and Connect by prior


Cube/Rollup/ and Connect by prior

Shawn Garbett
In oracle there is the idea of group by functions,
i.e. cube and rollup that are very useful for
reporting. I've not found an equivalent in PostgreSQL.
What's the status of this? Can I write my own?

Connect by Prior is a recursive query function for
navigating tree data structures in oracle, i.e A Table
that has many of itself. Is there any equivalent in
PostgreSQL? Our data has lot's and lot's of trees.


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Re: Cube/Rollup/ and Connect by prior

Michael Glaesemann
On Jan 13, 2006, at 23:27 , Shawn Garbett wrote:

> In oracle there is the idea of group by functions,
> i.e. cube and rollup that are very useful for
> reporting. I've not found an equivalent in PostgreSQL.
> What's the status of this? Can I write my own?

As far as I know, CUBE and ROLLUP haven't been implemented into

> Connect by Prior is a recursive query function for
> navigating tree data structures in oracle, i.e A Table
> that has many of itself. Is there any equivalent in
> PostgreSQL?

Check out tablefunc in the contrib directory. (contrib/tablefunc) I
believe that should do what you want.

Hope this helps.

Michael Glaesemann
grzm myrealbox com