Обсуждение: Performance woes


Performance woes

Benjamin Smith
I have a small company growing fast, selling a product based largely on
Postgres. We have a rapidly growing database with (currently) 117 tables.

Our primary server, an aging system based around an IDE, 2.4 Ghz P4, is being
replaced by a new, 10k SCSI, dual-proc AMD opteron/64, with 4 GB of ECC RAM.

At just about every task, the newer machine just blows away the P4. Rebuilding
the database happens in < 1 minute, instead of nearly 1/2 hour! Copying GB of
data files is blazing fast!

But, the real money shot is a single query. It's big, nasty, and complex, and
hit pretty hard. It's not IO bound, it is clearly CPU bound. I've allocated
up to 3 GB of RAM for pg, and tweaked the shmmax and shared_buffers.

And, it's exactly as fast on the new, dual-proc Opteron as the aging P4. 2.2
seconds. It's literally within 1 ms time! (2,206 ms vs 2,207 ms) Throwing
more RAM at it makes no difference.


A few questions:

1) Let's assume that I have some multipile foreign keys, and I join on three
values. For example:

Create table gangsters (
    name varchar not null,
    birthdate integer not null,
    shirtnumber integer not null,
    primary key (name, birthdate, shirtnumber);

create table children (
    father_name varchar not null,
    father_bd integer not null,
    father_shirtnumber integer not null,
    birthdate integer not null,
    name varchar not null,
    foreign key (father_name, father_bd, father_shirtnumber) REFERENCES
        gangsters(name, birthdate, shirtnumber)

We have two table declarations, each with implicit indexes:
    1) table gangsters has a primary_key index on name, birthdate, shirtnumber.
    2) children has an implicit index on father_name, father_bd,
father_shirtnumber. (right?)

If I were to join on gangster and children, EG:

Select gangster.name AS father,
gangster.birirthdate AS father_bd,
children.name AS kid_name
from gangster, children
where gangster.name=children.father_name
AND gangster.birthdate = children.father_bd
AND gangster.shirtnumber=children.father_shirtnumber;

Wouldn't this use the indexes implicitly created in the primary_key and
foreign key constraints?

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
- XEROX PARC slogan, circa 1978

Re: Performance woes

"Joshua D. Drake"
> And, it's exactly as fast on the new, dual-proc Opteron as the aging P4. 2.2
> seconds. It's literally within 1 ms time! (2,206 ms vs 2,207 ms) Throwing
> more RAM at it makes no difference.
> WTF??!?!?

Well from a postgres perspective you are still only using one CPU for
this query. Are you running 32 bit or 64bit?
What is the explain analyze? What is your statistics value?  What
version of PostgreSQL? What is your sort_mem or work_mem?

Joshua D. Drake

> A few questions:
> 1) Let's assume that I have some multipile foreign keys, and I join on three
> values. For example:
> Create table gangsters (
>     name varchar not null,
>     birthdate integer not null,
>     shirtnumber integer not null,
>     primary key (name, birthdate, shirtnumber);
> create table children (
>     father_name varchar not null,
>     father_bd integer not null,
>     father_shirtnumber integer not null,
>     birthdate integer not null,
>     name varchar not null,
>     foreign key (father_name, father_bd, father_shirtnumber) REFERENCES
>         gangsters(name, birthdate, shirtnumber)
>     );
> We have two table declarations, each with implicit indexes:
>     1) table gangsters has a primary_key index on name, birthdate, shirtnumber.
>     2) children has an implicit index on father_name, father_bd,
> father_shirtnumber. (right?)
> If I were to join on gangster and children, EG:
> Select gangster.name AS father,
> gangster.birirthdate AS father_bd,
> children.name AS kid_name
> from gangster, children
> where gangster.name=children.father_name
> AND gangster.birthdate = children.father_bd
> AND gangster.shirtnumber=children.father_shirtnumber;
> Wouldn't this use the indexes implicitly created in the primary_key and
> foreign key constraints?

Re: Performance woes

Stephan Szabo
On Sat, 10 Dec 2005, Benjamin Smith wrote:

> A few questions:
> 1) Let's assume that I have some multipile foreign keys, and I join on three
> values. For example:
> Create table gangsters (
>     name varchar not null,
>     birthdate integer not null,
>     shirtnumber integer not null,
>     primary key (name, birthdate, shirtnumber);
> create table children (
>     father_name varchar not null,
>     father_bd integer not null,
>     father_shirtnumber integer not null,
>     birthdate integer not null,
>     name varchar not null,
>     foreign key (father_name, father_bd, father_shirtnumber) REFERENCES
>         gangsters(name, birthdate, shirtnumber)
>     );
> We have two table declarations, each with implicit indexes:
>     1) table gangsters has a primary_key index on name, birthdate, shirtnumber.
>     2) children has an implicit index on father_name, father_bd,
> father_shirtnumber. (right?)

AFAIK, not unless you create one.

Explain analyze output for the query would probably be useful as well.

Re: Performance woes

Benjamin Smith
The example that I gave was a small one to illustrate my understanding of
multiple foreign keys, indexes and how they work together. (or don't) The
actual query is quite a bit bigger and nastier. I've considered breaking it
up into smaller pieces, but this query has been extensively tested and
debugged. It's on a complex schema carefully designed to meet some very
demanding requirements.

Summary: It provides a list of assignments (stmoduleobjass) for a student,
within the dates of their registering for classes, said assignments being
grouped by "modules" (stmodules - think: chapters) that are assigned with a
unique due date. This pulls information about the class (lcclasses),
transcript, (tr_summary) module, curriculum, (lccourses, lccourses2classes),
and grades (stgrades) given on the assignments if given, constrained by the
students school enrollment date (enrollments), as well as the date the
student was officially enrolled in the class (lcregistrations).

Some values are dynamically filled in by the underlying PHP script with a form
of prepared statement.  (not the PG prepared statement)
    1) students_id = the id# of the student.
    2) scope_id = the id# of the school.
    3) schoolyear. "2005 - 2006".

Would it be needed to provide the schema as well?

explain analyze SELECT
    lcclasses.name AS title,
    lcclasses.transcriptcode AS lcclasses_transcriptcode,
    lcclasses.coursecode AS lcclasses_coursecode,
    lcclasses.credits AS lcclasses_credits,
    lcclasses.credittype AS lcclasses_credittype,
    lccourses2classes.value AS lccourses_value,
    tr_summary.title AS classcategory,
    stmodules.lccourses_id AS lccourses_id,
    stmodules.lccourses_currcode AS lccourses_currcode,
    stmodules.lccourses_title AS name,
    stmodules.module AS module,
    stmodules.title AS mod_title,
    stmoduleobjass.title AS ass_title,
    stmoduleobjass.lcclassweighttypes_key AS key,
    lccourses.text as lccourses_text,
    lccourses.category AS category
FROM enrollments, stmoduleobjass
    AND stmodules.id=stmoduleobjass.stmodules_id
    AND stmodules.lcclasses_id=stmoduleobjass.lcclasses_id
    stmoduleobjass.due =stgrades.due
    AND stmoduleobjass.lcclasses_id =stgrades.lcclasses_id
    AND stmoduleobjass.stmodules_id  =stgrades.stmodules_id
    AND stmoduleobjass.title     =stgrades.title
    AND stgrades.students_id=2019
    AND (1=0 OR stgrades.approved=TRUE)
LEFT OUTER JOIN lccourses2classes ON
    AND lccourses2classes.scope_id=18
    AND lccourses2classes.lccourses_id=stmodules.lccourses_id
lcregistrations, lcclasses
    AND tr_summary.scope_id=18
WHERE enrollments.students_id=2019
AND enrollments.start<=stmoduleobjass.due
AND        (
    OR enrollments.finish=0
AND      (
    OR 1=0
AND stmoduleobjass.lcclasses_id=lcregistrations.lcclasses_id
AND lcregistrations.students_id=2019
AND lcregistrations.startdayt <= stmoduleobjass.due
AND    (
    lcregistrations.finishdayt >=stmoduleobjass.due
    OR lcregistrations.finishdayt=0
AND stmoduleobjass.lcclasses_id=lcclasses.id
AND lcclasses.scope_id=18
AND lcclasses.schoolyear='2005 - 2006'
AND lcclasses.id=stmodules.lcclasses_id
ORDER BY lcclasses_id, due ASC;

Here's the output:
 Sort  (cost=998.26..998.27 rows=1 width=276) (actual time=2218.759..2219.133
rows=251 loops=1)
   Sort Key: stmoduleobjass.lcclasses_id, stmoduleobjass.due
   ->  Nested Loop  (cost=778.06..998.25 rows=1 width=276) (actual
time=1230.066..2216.758 rows=251 loops=1)
         Join Filter: ("outer".lcclasses_id = "inner".id)
         ->  Nested Loop  (cost=772.83..802.04 rows=1 width=216) (actual
time=1227.643..1552.699 rows=251 loops=1)
               Join Filter: (("inner".startdayt <= "outer".due) AND
(("inner".finishdayt >= "outer".due) OR ("inner".finishdayt = 0)))
               ->  Nested Loop  (cost=772.83..796.42 rows=1 width=212) (actual
time=1227.501..1477.948 rows=10334 loops=1)
                     Join Filter: (("outer"."start" <= "inner".due) AND
(("outer".finish >= "inner".due) OR ("outer".finish = 0)))
                     ->  Index Scan using e_valid_students2start on
enrollments  (cost=0.00..5.71 rows=1 width=8) (actual time=0.053..0.060
rows=1 loops=1)
                           Index Cond: (students_id = 2019)
                     ->  Nested Loop Left Join  (cost=772.83..790.64 rows=4
width=212) (actual time=1227.413..1442.024 rows=10334 loops=1)
                           ->  Merge Left Join  (cost=772.83..774.70 rows=4
width=178) (actual time=1227.361..1320.527 rows=10334 loops=1)
                                 Merge Cond: (("outer".lcclasses_id =
"inner".lcclasses_id) AND ("outer".lccourses_id = "inner".lccourses_id))
                                 ->  Sort  (cost=754.15..754.16 rows=4
width=174) (actual time=1226.011..1248.426 rows=10334 loops=1)
                                       Sort Key: stmoduleobjass.lcclasses_id,
                                       ->  Nested Loop Left Join
(cost=58.13..754.11 rows=4 width=174) (actual time=8.530..1125.515 rows=10334
                                             ->  Hash Join
(cost=58.13..730.01 rows=4 width=173) (actual time=8.490..81.181 rows=10334
                                                   Hash Cond: (("outer".module
= "inner".module) AND ("outer".stmodules_id = "inner".id) AND
("outer".lcclasses_id = "inner".lcclasses_id))
                                                   ->  Seq Scan on
stmoduleobjass  (cost=0.00..441.14 rows=10253 width=92) (actual
time=0.015..25.313 rows=10334 loops=1)
                                                         Filter: approved
                                                   ->  Hash
(cost=45.22..45.22 rows=1722 width=89) (actual time=8.437..8.437 rows=1722
                                                         ->  Seq Scan on
stmodules  (cost=0.00..45.22 rows=1722 width=89) (actual time=0.009..3.921
rows=1722 loops=1)
                                             ->  Index Scan using
get_stgrades_to_work2 on stgrades  (cost=0.00..6.01 rows=1 width=83) (actual
time=0.096..0.096 rows=0 loops=10334)
                                                   Index Cond:
(("outer".lcclasses_id = stgrades.lcclasses_id) AND ("outer".stmodules_id =
stgrades.stmodules_id) AND (("outer".title)::text = (stgrades.title)::text)
AND ("outer".due = stgrades.due))
                                                   Filter: ((students_id =
2019) AND approved)
                                 ->  Sort  (cost=18.68..19.31 rows=251
width=12) (actual time=1.317..16.207 rows=9728 loops=1)
                                       Sort Key:
lccourses2classes.lcclasses_id, lccourses2classes.lccourses_id
                                       ->  Seq Scan on lccourses2classes
(cost=0.00..8.68 rows=251 width=12) (actual time=0.087..0.646 rows=251
                                             Filter: (scope_id = 18)
                           ->  Index Scan using lccourses_id_key on lccourses
(cost=0.00..3.97 rows=1 width=38) (actual time=0.003..0.005 rows=1
                                 Index Cond: ("outer".lccourses_id =
               ->  Index Scan using unique_lcclasses_students2 on
lcregistrations  (cost=0.00..5.61 rows=1 width=12) (actual time=0.004..0.004
rows=0 loops=10334)
                     Index Cond: (("outer".lcclasses_id =
lcregistrations.lcclasses_id) AND (lcregistrations.students_id = 2019))
         ->  Hash Left Join  (cost=5.22..193.08 rows=250 width=72) (actual
time=0.040..2.240 rows=250 loops=251)
               Hash Cond: ("outer".tr_summary_id = "inner".id)
               ->  Seq Scan on lcclasses  (cost=0.00..186.50 rows=250
width=60) (actual time=0.036..1.296 rows=250 loops=251)
                     Filter: ((scope_id = 18) AND ((schoolyear)::text = '2005
- 2006'::text))
               ->  Hash  (cost=5.19..5.19 rows=12 width=20) (actual
time=0.102..0.102 rows=10 loops=1)
                     ->  Bitmap Heap Scan on tr_summary  (cost=2.04..5.19
rows=12 width=20) (actual time=0.043..0.063 rows=10 loops=1)
                           Recheck Cond: (scope_id = 18)
                           ->  Bitmap Index Scan on unique_rollover
(cost=0.00..2.04 rows=12 width=0) (actual time=0.027..0.027 rows=10 loops=1)
                                 Index Cond: (scope_id = 18)
 Total runtime: 2222.063 ms

Configuration: I tried tweaking shared_buffers, but adding more/less did
nothing to improve performance. Current values:

Dual proc Opteron 2.0 Ghz,
10k SCSI drives, software RAID 1
Centos 4.2 (Redhat ES clone)
PostgreSQL 8.1, 64 bit, loaded with RPMs from the PG website for Redhat ES.

max_connections 64
shared_buffers 250000
temp_buffers 10000
max_prepared_transactions = 0
work_mem 1024
maintenance_work_mem = 16384
max_stack_depth 9240
autovacuum on
autovacuum_naptime 600

Side note: When I add indexes or change table definitions to try to get PG to
use indexes, performance tanks instantly to very, poor. (> 30 seconds query
time) But, when I run the query a few times, and then run vacuum analyze, it
snaps back down to the 2-ish second range.


On Saturday 10 December 2005 11:50, Stephan Szabo wrote:
> On Sat, 10 Dec 2005, Benjamin Smith wrote:
> > A few questions:
> >
> > 1) Let's assume that I have some multipile foreign keys, and I join on
> > values. For example:
> >
> > Create table gangsters (
> >     name varchar not null,
> >     birthdate integer not null,
> >     shirtnumber integer not null,
> >     primary key (name, birthdate, shirtnumber);
> >
> > create table children (
> >     father_name varchar not null,
> >     father_bd integer not null,
> >     father_shirtnumber integer not null,
> >     birthdate integer not null,
> >     name varchar not null,
> >     foreign key (father_name, father_bd, father_shirtnumber) REFERENCES
> >         gangsters(name, birthdate, shirtnumber)
> >     );
> >
> > We have two table declarations, each with implicit indexes:
> >     1) table gangsters has a primary_key index on name, birthdate,
> >     2) children has an implicit index on father_name, father_bd,
> > father_shirtnumber. (right?)
> AFAIK, not unless you create one.
> Explain analyze output for the query would probably be useful as well.
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
>        choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not
>        match

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
- XEROX PARC slogan, circa 1978

Re: Performance woes

Tom Lane
Benjamin Smith <lists@benjamindsmith.com> writes:
> The example that I gave was a small one to illustrate my understanding of
> multiple foreign keys, indexes and how they work together. (or don't) The
> actual query is quite a bit bigger and nastier. I've considered breaking it
> up into smaller pieces, but this query has been extensively tested and
> debugged. It's on a complex schema carefully designed to meet some very
> demanding requirements.

What you probably need to do is rethink the join order.  As coded, the
planner has no freedom to change the join order, which means it's up to
you to get it right.  In particular it seems a bad idea to be processing
the join to enrollments last when that table is the best-constrained
one.  Instead of "enrollments, stmoduleobjass LEFT JOIN lots-o-stuff"
consider "enrollments JOIN stmoduleobjass ON relevant-join-conditions
LEFT JOIN lots-o-stuff".  Likewise for lcregistrations vs lcclasses.

            regards, tom lane

Re: Performance woes

Benjamin Smith
Wow! I did exactly what you suggested, and played with the ordering for about
20-30 minutes. After 10 minutes or so, I'd gotten the response time down to
1700 ms from 2200 ms.

Moving the join conditions up into the "FROM" clause, and dropping the "WHERE"
clause altogether allowed me to reorder the statements easily without having
to worry about rethinking all the logic.

And, this dropped the query time from between 2.2-30 seconds all the way down
to just 55-ish ms, without any new indexes! What's more, the improvement came
from a move of a block I thought more or less unimportant!

// tries to put jaw back into mouth //


On Monday 12 December 2005 16:11, you wrote:
> Benjamin Smith <lists@benjamindsmith.com> writes:
> > The example that I gave was a small one to illustrate my understanding of
> > multiple foreign keys, indexes and how they work together. (or don't) The
> > actual query is quite a bit bigger and nastier. I've considered breaking
> > up into smaller pieces, but this query has been extensively tested and
> > debugged. It's on a complex schema carefully designed to meet some very
> > demanding requirements.
> What you probably need to do is rethink the join order.  As coded, the
> planner has no freedom to change the join order, which means it's up to
> you to get it right.  In particular it seems a bad idea to be processing
> the join to enrollments last when that table is the best-constrained
> one.  Instead of "enrollments, stmoduleobjass LEFT JOIN lots-o-stuff"
> consider "enrollments JOIN stmoduleobjass ON relevant-join-conditions
> LEFT JOIN lots-o-stuff".  Likewise for lcregistrations vs lcclasses.
>             regards, tom lane

"The best way to predict the future is to invent it."
- XEROX PARC slogan, circa 1978

Re: Performance woes

Tom Lane
Benjamin Smith <lists@benjamindsmith.com> writes:
> And, this dropped the query time from between 2.2-30 seconds all the
> way down to just 55-ish ms, without any new indexes! What's more, the
> improvement came from a move of a block I thought more or less
> unimportant!

> // tries to put jaw back into mouth //

Yeah ... we really need to fix the planner so it can do this for you,
as it does with regular inner joins ...

            regards, tom lane