Обсуждение: Array in a Type


Array in a Type

Omachonu Ogali
I've created a type that contains a few types and an array. But when
I try to create an array from that in a table, I get a '"type[]" does
not exist' error. The manual says that the array type is configured
automatically when a type is created, but this doesn't appear to be
the case. Am I missing something?

widget=# \d network_interfaces;
Composite type "public.network_interfaces"
    Column    |          Type
 manufacturer | integer
 chipset      | character varying(128)
 ports        | integer
 speeds       | integer[]

widget=# create table box(id int, network network_interfaces[]);
ERROR: type "network_interfaces[]" does not exist

Re: Array in a Type

Tom Lane
Omachonu Ogali <missnglnk@informationwave.net> writes:
> I've created a type that contains a few types and an array. But when
> I try to create an array from that in a table, I get a '"type[]" does
> not exist' error. The manual says that the array type is configured
> automatically when a type is created, but this doesn't appear to be
> the case. Am I missing something?

The manual says

: Arrays of any built-in or user-defined base type can be created.
: (Arrays of composite types or domains are not yet supported, however.)


            regards, tom lane