Обсуждение: windows, cant find ostgresql.conf


windows, cant find ostgresql.conf

I just did a windows install of postgresql.  I cannot find or edit the postgresql.conf.  This is a new Dell machine running XP Professional OS.
I chose not to install as a windows service, but as a job which I can start and stop.
Where should I look for help.
Is it easy to uninstall?
Should I uninstall and then reinstall as a windows service?
If I install as a windows service, is that reversable, or might it permanently change my computer in some undesirable fashion.

Re: windows, cant find ostgresql.conf

John DeSoi
On Apr 21, 2005, at 12:50 AM, Typing80wpm@aol.com wrote:

> I just did a windows install of postgresql.  I cannot find or edit the
> postgresql.conf.  This is a new Dell machine running XP Professional
> OS.
> I chose not to install as a windows service, but as a job which I can
> start and stop.
> Where should I look for help.

I have not installed without the service, but on my system there is a
link to the postgresql.conf file right in the Start menu program group
for PostgreSQL.

> Is it easy to uninstall?

Yes, just go to the Add or Remove programs control panel.

> Should I uninstall and then reinstall as a windows service?

Yes, it will likely make your life easier.

> If I install as a windows service, is that reversable, or might it
> permanently change my computer in some undesirable fashion.

The uninstall process is designed to reverse everything done by the

John DeSoi, Ph.D.
Power Tools for PostgreSQL