Обсуждение: increasingly slow insert/copy performance


increasingly slow insert/copy performance

Todd Underwood

i'm by no means a postgres expert, so i'm probably making a dumb
mistake, but this is v. troubling.

we have a script that bulk-uploads about 45K rows.  we do this via
perl DBI using the COPY functionality.

the problem is that we do this about once per 5 minutes and the time
it takes to do the operation steadily increases (going from about 5s
to over 5m over the course of 24 hrs).  the table has one primary key
(so hence one index), that we drop and recreate during the bulk load.

here are the details of the test case:

CREATE TABLE test (one int primary key, two int, three int, four int,
five int);


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use DBI;                        # Load the DBI module

my $DBusername = "username";
my $DBpassword = "password";

my $dbin = "Pg:dbname=useradmin;host=databasehost";
my $table = "test";
my $i;
my $count;

$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:$dbin",$DBusername,$DBpassword, {
      PrintError => 1,   ### Don't report errors via warn(  )
      RaiseError => 1,   ### Do report errors via die(  )
      AutoCommit => 0    ### Start a transaction block
  } );

    or die "Cannot lock $table...\n";

$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table DROP CONSTRAINT ${table}_pkey")
    or die "Cannot drop constraint ${table}_pkey...\n";

$dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE one>0")
    or die "Cannot empty $table...\n";

$dbh->do("COPY $table (one,two,three,four,five) FROM stdin")
    or die "Cannot COPY to DB ...\n";

for $i (1..45000){

    $dbh->func("$i\t$i\t$i\t$i\t$i\n", 'putline')
        or die
        "Couldn't update $table for $i\n";

$dbh->func("\\.\n", 'putline');

if ($@) {
    warn "Rolled back transaction: $@\n";
} else {

$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table add CONSTRAINT ${table}_pkey primary key (one)")
    or die "Cannot add constraint ${table}_pkey...\n";


as i said, execution times start at about 2.5-5s and end up at several
minutes.  dropping and recreating the table fixes the problem.  vacuum
does not.

any thoughts?  i searched the list and think we're doing the right
stuff (by dropping the constraints and using the COPY function).  i'm
not on the list at this point, so i'll check the web archives, but
replies to me direclty are also appreciated.

thanks so much,


todd underwood
director of operations & security
renesys - interdomain intelligence
todd@renesys.com   www.renesys.com

Re: increasingly slow insert/copy performance

"Joseph M. Day"
Try turning the fsync off in your configuration file.


-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-general-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-general-owner@postgresql.org] On Behalf Of Todd Underwood
Sent: Sunday, April 17, 2005 9:18 AM
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: [GENERAL] increasingly slow insert/copy performance


i'm by no means a postgres expert, so i'm probably making a dumb
mistake, but this is v. troubling.

we have a script that bulk-uploads about 45K rows.  we do this via perl
DBI using the COPY functionality.

the problem is that we do this about once per 5 minutes and the time it
takes to do the operation steadily increases (going from about 5s to
over 5m over the course of 24 hrs).  the table has one primary key (so
hence one index), that we drop and recreate during the bulk load.

here are the details of the test case:

CREATE TABLE test (one int primary key, two int, three int, four int,
five int);


#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use DBI;                        # Load the DBI module

my $DBusername = "username";
my $DBpassword = "password";

my $dbin = "Pg:dbname=useradmin;host=databasehost";
my $table = "test";
my $i;
my $count;

$dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:$dbin",$DBusername,$DBpassword, {
      PrintError => 1,   ### Don't report errors via warn(  )
      RaiseError => 1,   ### Do report errors via die(  )
      AutoCommit => 0    ### Start a transaction block
  } );

    or die "Cannot lock $table...\n";

$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table DROP CONSTRAINT ${table}_pkey")
    or die "Cannot drop constraint ${table}_pkey...\n";

$dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE one>0")
    or die "Cannot empty $table...\n";

$dbh->do("COPY $table (one,two,three,four,five) FROM stdin")
    or die "Cannot COPY to DB ...\n";

for $i (1..45000){

    $dbh->func("$i\t$i\t$i\t$i\t$i\n", 'putline')
        or die
        "Couldn't update $table for $i\n";

$dbh->func("\\.\n", 'putline');

if ($@) {
    warn "Rolled back transaction: $@\n";
} else {

$dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table add CONSTRAINT ${table}_pkey primary key
    or die "Cannot add constraint ${table}_pkey...\n"; $dbh->commit;


as i said, execution times start at about 2.5-5s and end up at several
minutes.  dropping and recreating the table fixes the problem.  vacuum
does not.

any thoughts?  i searched the list and think we're doing the right stuff
(by dropping the constraints and using the COPY function).  i'm not on
the list at this point, so i'll check the web archives, but replies to
me direclty are also appreciated.

thanks so much,


todd underwood
director of operations & security
renesys - interdomain intelligence
todd@renesys.com   www.renesys.com

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if
      joining column's datatypes do not match

Re: increasingly slow insert/copy performance

Scott Marlowe
On Sun, 2005-04-17 at 09:17, Todd Underwood wrote:
> howdy,
> i'm by no means a postgres expert, so i'm probably making a dumb
> mistake, but this is v. troubling.
> we have a script that bulk-uploads about 45K rows.  we do this via
> perl DBI using the COPY functionality.
> the problem is that we do this about once per 5 minutes and the time
> it takes to do the operation steadily increases (going from about 5s
> to over 5m over the course of 24 hrs).  the table has one primary key
> (so hence one index), that we drop and recreate during the bulk load.

I'm guessing that either you aren't vacuuming enough, or your fsm
settings are too low.

What does vacuum verbose say?  What are your fsm settings?  Does 'vacuum
full <tablename>' fix the problem?


Re: increasingly slow insert/copy performance

Tom Lane
Todd Underwood <todd@renesys.com> writes:
>     or die "Cannot lock $table...\n";

> $dbh->do("ALTER TABLE $table DROP CONSTRAINT ${table}_pkey")
>     or die "Cannot drop constraint ${table}_pkey...\n";

> $dbh->do("DELETE FROM $table WHERE one>0")
>     or die "Cannot empty $table...\n";

> $dbh->do("COPY $table (one,two,three,four,five) FROM stdin")
>     or die "Cannot COPY to DB ...\n";

The problem with this is that the DELETE doesn't physically remove the
old rows, therefore you are going to be steadily bloating the table.

Can you use a TRUNCATE instead?  (Not if you need to keep some rows,
obviously, but it's not clear whether your WHERE is actually useful.)

Can you commit the deletion and then VACUUM before adding the new
rows?  (Probably not, if you need other transactions to see a valid
table all the time --- though if you do, I wonder why you are committing
before you add back the index.)

If not, probably the best best is to issue a VACUUM just after
committing each of these cycles.  That will at least hold the table
size to twice the theoretical minimum.

BTW, the above is deadlock-prone because ALTER TABLE will take ACCESS
EXCLUSIVE lock; taking a lesser lock earlier in the transaction is
not only useless but counterproductive.

            regards, tom lane