Обсуждение: PGCluster in production


PGCluster in production

Anton Nikiforov
Dear All!

I'm currently looking for multy-master PostgreSQL cluster software and
found one named PGCluster (version 1.0.7...something)
But looks like nobody use this software in production because in this
maillist i have found only questions and refferences to the PGCluster,
but no success story or discussion or something. And on the developer's
site (http://www.csra.co.jp/~mitani/jpug/pgcluster/en/index.html) there
is no success story also.
I understand that maybe i'm looking in the wrong list, but could someone
supply me with a link or direction or [un]success story?

My preffered platform is i386
My preffered OS is FreeBSD
My preffered DBMS is PostgreSQL :)
The number of nodes required 2-3-4 (according to a single node database
load, responce time and network topography)

The questions:
Is it stable/reliable enough for production?
How do remote servers replicates (for example the main cluster is 3 pcs
and one database is far away from the main cluster and have an internet
connection but should have the same data online)?
How do updates to the same table (even the same field) will be handled?
Does someone did a sequence replication tests (i do have a database
consistency based on sequences).

Best regards,
Anton Nikiforov
