Обсуждение: Just saying thank you for PostgreSQL


Just saying thank you for PostgreSQL

Janning Vygen
Hi all,

To all those people using mysql and asking if they should change to postgres,
i just want them to tell that i came from mysql too but very (!) soon really
wanted to use all these nice postgresql features which make a real database
(like subselecting, triggers, ...)

And i build a dynamic web application where ALL (99,99%) pages are dynamic
pages build with PHP and postgresql. Databse is more than 2 GB and
performance is great!!! We handle more than 1 Mio dynamic pages a day and i
have to machines, one database server with postgres and one webserver with
PHP. And i can tell you that our single bottleneck is the webserver with PHP.
And almost every page includes 5-20 SQL request from small to very difficult
ones. The database server is calm as if nothing happens at all. Its amazing!
(Maybe its not amazaing to all these folks handling Terrabytes of data and
billions of requests)

So i just want to say: Thanks to all great developers, to all tom lanes out
there. Maybe that's not the right place to post it, but anyway: I feel so
lucky about choosing the one and only database engine, i just want to say
"Thank you very much!"

kind regards,
Janning Vygen