Обсуждение: Re: PHP or JSP? That is the question.


Re: PHP or JSP? That is the question.

Chris Browne
Andrew Falanga <andy@spam.me.not> writes:
> My question pertains to what is the better choice.  I know that, in
> a large part, the answer is probably, "It depends on what you want."
> However, I thought that I would ask the question of the experts
> before sinking money in to a book.
> The goal is to create an application, in the form of a web page,
> that links to a postgres database.  The application will ultimately
> be full featured and so on, but at first I just want it running.
> So, what I'm wondering is, which platform offers better (more
> stable, ease of use, ease of maintainability, etc.) support for
> developing such an application.  One consideration that has been
> brought to my attention is that PHP is natively supported by Apache
> and JSP requires a separate interpreter (Jakarta or whatever).

That "consideration" is nonsense.

Support for PHP and JSP both require separate language interpreters.
Precisely _how_ those interpreters are linked to Apache differs, but
the fact is, in either case, is that introducing these langauges
requires linking in extra tools produced by separate projects.

> Beside this, I'm really just wanting to know (in your oppinions)
> which has better hooks, more functionality (if that's relavent),
> etc.  Please, I'm really not trying to start a "holy" war or
> something, and I truly hope this isn't taken a trolling, I just
> don't know how to answer these questions.

This definitely isn't a PostgreSQL question, and I can't see it
heading anywhere other than "holy war."

Fans of Java can readily poke holes at weaknesses of PHP, and

PHP has the clear demerit that it doesn't support threading.  And the
merit that its implementations are clearly of "open source" nature.

Java has the clear demerit that it supports threading ;-), as well as
the fact that deploying Java environments gets rather complex.  And
the demerit that without dumbing your environment down a fair bit,
Java is not available in "open source" form.'

There are more UML tools available for Java; I won't try to assess
whether that is a merit or a demerit :-).

People assortedly swear by (and at :-)) PHP, Java, Python, and Perl.
I don't know how to give you other than a biased opinionated rant, and
I think you'll have a hard time finding otherwise...
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