Обсуждение: Re: [NOVICE] JDBC driver & local server


Re: [NOVICE] JDBC driver & local server

Ron St-Pierre
stm23 wrote:

>i would have liked to install a new version of postgresql, but i haven't been
>able to configure it, having tryed many times - i value my sanity too highly
>however, i have discovered that i have version 7.3.2 installed.  this must be
>the version that came with my Redhat 8.0 distribution. i need java support
>(for a 3rd year databases uni course).  is it possible to build the JDBC
>driver on top of my current version?  (maybe i have it, how could i find out?)
>also, when i type the command: psql
>i get:
>psql: could not connect to server: No such file or directory
>        Is the server running locally and accepting
>        connections on Unix domain socket "/tmp/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
>how can i go about setting up a local server on this socket?
>thanx, i really appreciate any advice u can offer
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 7: don't forget to increase your free space map settings
You can get the jdbc driver from http://jdbc.postgresql.org/. To enable
tcp access change the following setting in postgresql.conf:
tcpip_socket = true
and you may have to change who is allowed access to the database in
pg_hba.conf (look right at the end, it's documented pretty well). Both
of these are in my pgsql/data directory, but may be in a different
location with a RedHat setup. Also, restart the database once changes
have been made.

You are trying to connect to the database as user postgres, right? (I
*think* that is the default for RedHat too).
