Обсуждение: Strange Slow query


Strange Slow query

Hello all,

I have the following query that has a problem i cannot resolve:

SELECT puzzle_picking.*, tmagaztestate.mconto, tanagraficagen.araso, tmagaztestate.mdabol, tcausalimagaz.tdescr
FROM tcausalimagaz RIGHT JOIN (tanagraficagen RIGHT JOIN (tmagazrighe LEFT JOIN tmagaztestate ON (tmagazrighe.mnubol =
tmagaztestate.mnubol)AND (tmagazrighe.mspecie = tmagaztestate.mspecie) AND (tmagazrighe.manno = tmagaztestate.manno)
AND(tmagazrighe.mtiprk = tmagaztestate.mtiprk)) RIGHT JOIN puzzle_picking ON (tmagazrighe.mriga =
puzzle_picking.pkriga)AND (tmagazrighe.mnubol = puzzle_picking.pknumbol) AND (tmagazrighe.mspecie =
puzzle_picking.pkspecie)AND (tmagazrighe.manno = puzzle_picking.pkanno) ON tanagraficagen.aconto =
tmagaztestate.mconto)ON tcausalimagaz.tcod = tmagazrighe.mcaus 
WHERE (((puzzle_picking.pkartcode)='5320009'))
ORDER BY puzzle_picking.pkdate;

Basically it is very slow (20 secs to perform ), but if i change the right join of tanagraficagen to an inner join it
isinstant (< than a second). My question is: 

Is it possible that a right join performs that much slower .. ? i mean i can undertsand it takes more time .. but 20
secis far too much .. 

What can i do to speed it up?? Keep in mind that i have indexes on all of the joined columns and on the column in the
whereclause .. 

Thank you very much,

Fabrizio Mazzoni
Macron Srl

Re: Strange Slow query

Richard Huxton
On Tuesday 10 February 2004 13:30, veramente@libero.it wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have the following query that has a problem i cannot resolve:

Can I suggest reposting on the performance list?
You'll want to supply EXPLAIN ANALYSE output for the right-join and inner-join
after making sure you've vacuum analysed the tables in question.
Oh - version of PG is always useful too.

When you run the EXPLAIN ANALYSE look carefully for areas where the estimate
of number of rows is wrong.
  Richard Huxton
  Archonet Ltd

Re: Strange Slow query

Martijn van Oosterhout
Please run it with EXPLAIN ANALYZE and post the results.

On Tue, Feb 10, 2004 at 02:30:57PM +0100, veramente@libero.it wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have the following query that has a problem i cannot resolve:
> SELECT puzzle_picking.*, tmagaztestate.mconto, tanagraficagen.araso, tmagaztestate.mdabol, tcausalimagaz.tdescr
> FROM tcausalimagaz RIGHT JOIN (tanagraficagen RIGHT JOIN (tmagazrighe LEFT JOIN tmagaztestate ON (tmagazrighe.mnubol
=tmagaztestate.mnubol) AND (tmagazrighe.mspecie = tmagaztestate.mspecie) AND (tmagazrighe.manno = tmagaztestate.manno)
AND(tmagazrighe.mtiprk = tmagaztestate.mtiprk)) RIGHT JOIN puzzle_picking ON (tmagazrighe.mriga =
puzzle_picking.pkriga)AND (tmagazrighe.mnubol = puzzle_picking.pknumbol) AND (tmagazrighe.mspecie =
puzzle_picking.pkspecie)AND (tmagazrighe.manno = puzzle_picking.pkanno) ON tanagraficagen.aconto =
tmagaztestate.mconto)ON tcausalimagaz.tcod = tmagazrighe.mcaus 
> WHERE (((puzzle_picking.pkartcode)='5320009'))
> ORDER BY puzzle_picking.pkdate;
> Basically it is very slow (20 secs to perform ), but if i change the right join of tanagraficagen to an inner join it
isinstant (< than a second). My question is: 
> Is it possible that a right join performs that much slower .. ? i mean i can undertsand it takes more time .. but 20
secis far too much .. 
> What can i do to speed it up?? Keep in mind that i have indexes on all of the joined columns and on the column in the
whereclause .. 
> Thank you very much,
> Fabrizio Mazzoni
> Macron Srl
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Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> (... have gone from d-i being barely usable even by its developers
> anywhere, to being about 20% done. Sweet. And the last 80% usually takes
> 20% of the time, too, right?) -- Anthony Towns, debian-devel-announce
