Обсуждение: Copy and xml files


Copy and xml files

"C G"
Dear All,

I'm trying to insert an xml file into my database. I have a table with a
single text column. My intention is just to have the xml file take up one
row in the table.

I've tried the command

COPY t1 FROM '/tmp/file.xml';

but keep getting the error message

ERROR:  extra data after last expected column
CONTEXT:  COPY t1, line 32: "           <cn type="integer"> 1 </cn>"

Thanks for any help


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Re: Copy and xml files

Chris Gamache
COPY works for whole tables, and can't append rows. You're going to have to
escape your linebreaks and tabs to use COPY ...  As I recall, you can specify
your own custom column and row delimiters... You might consider creating some
type of primary key for the table. A "serial" column would work fine.

If you want to insert a single row into a table, you'll need to do it with an
insert statement. something like :

#  psql your_database -c "insert into t1 (xml_column) values ('`cat
/tmp/file.xml |  sed -e \"s/'/''/g\"`');"



--- C G <csgcsg39@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I'm trying to insert an xml file into my database. I have a table with a
> single text column. My intention is just to have the xml file take up one
> row in the table.
> I've tried the command
> COPY t1 FROM '/tmp/file.xml';
> but keep getting the error message
> ERROR:  extra data after last expected column
> CONTEXT:  COPY t1, line 32: "           <cn type="integer"> 1 </cn>"
> Thanks for any help
> Colin
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Re: Copy and xml files

Guy Fraser
Chris Gamache wrote:

>COPY works for whole tables, and can't append rows. ...

I use copy regularly to add data to a table.


>--- C G <csgcsg39@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>Dear All,
>>I'm trying to insert an xml file into my database. I have a table with a
>>single text column. My intention is just to have the xml file take up one
>>row in the table.
>>I've tried the command
>>COPY t1 FROM '/tmp/file.xml';
>>but keep getting the error message
>>ERROR:  extra data after last expected column
>>CONTEXT:  COPY t1, line 32: "           <cn type="integer"> 1 </cn>"
>>Thanks for any help
If you are trying to import the whole file into one 'column' of a table, you will need to escape the "end of line"
[carriagereturn/line feed] characters. 

I believe this question has been asked many times, and the method of importing this type of data is in the archives.

Please check the archives.