Обсуждение: Help: System requirements for postgresql 7.4.1


Help: System requirements for postgresql 7.4.1

"Juan Carlos Diez"
Hello, I'm evaluating that version and I can't find system requirements for it. Could anybody please help me with these

1.1. Hardware:
1.1.1. C.P.U. (how many processors, what speed)
1.1.2. Ram. (minimum and desired)
1.1.3. Disk.
1.1.4. Networking.
1.1.5. Scalability

1.2. Software:
1.2.1. OS. (wich versions and patches are required for linux and solaris)
1.2.2. Required software packages.

Thank you very much.

Best regards,


Re: Help: System requirements for postgresql 7.4.1

Martijn van Oosterhout
It depends mostly on how much data you want ot store and how fast you want
to get at it. I've run postgres on old 486's with a few gig of disk space
and almost no ram. It wasn't fast but it was good for the hardware it was

There is very little in the way of "required" packages since compiling from
source will customise it to your whatever your system has available.

It's available for every version of linux, no idea about solaris but probably.
I don't think it requires particular versions of anything.

Perhaps you need to be more specific?

On Thu, Jan 29, 2004 at 01:46:08PM -0400, Juan Carlos Diez wrote:
> Hello, I'm evaluating that version and I can't find system requirements for it. Could anybody please help me with
> 1.1. Hardware:
> 1.1.1. C.P.U. (how many processors, what speed)
> 1.1.2. Ram. (minimum and desired)
> 1.1.3. Disk.
> 1.1.4. Networking.
> 1.1.5. Scalability
> 1.2. Software:
> 1.2.1. OS. (wich versions and patches are required for linux and solaris)
> 1.2.2. Required software packages.
> Thank you very much.
> Best regards,
> JCD.
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Martijn van Oosterhout   <kleptog@svana.org>   http://svana.org/kleptog/
> (... have gone from d-i being barely usable even by its developers
> anywhere, to being about 20% done. Sweet. And the last 80% usually takes
> 20% of the time, too, right?) -- Anthony Towns, debian-devel-announce
