Обсуждение: Re: Problem with API (libpq) - detailed error codes


Re: Problem with API (libpq) - detailed error codes

Adam.Bukla@interia.pl wrote:
> If function PQexec fails, I can get error code using PQresultStatus.
> But returned codes are very generally and do not specify what really
> happen. I can get detailed error description using PQerrorMessage
> function, but I need detailed error code (number).
> For instance, if I create table, I would like to know, that operation
> failed because:
> - table already exist
> - sql syntax error
> - invalid columnt type
> and so on.
> I searched documents about libpq API and even header file
> 'internal/libpq-int.h' but I didn't found any interesting.
> I would be very gracefully for any hint.

Appendix A of the PostgreSQL 7.4.1 Reference Manual has a list of error
codes (5 digit numbers) and their meanings. You get at the error code
with PQresultErrorField(result, PG_DIAG_SQLSTATE).