Обсуждение: Re: hardware requirements under Redhat (fwd)


Re: hardware requirements under Redhat (fwd)

Mike Nolan
> >Does this config cover the above requirements very well.
> >Does anybody know if RedHat 9 or Fedora can address 2 Gig
> >of RAM out of the box?
> >
> Yes they can.

The last time I built an RH system, one with 1GB, I had to recompile
the kernel and change the 'High Memory Support' setting to get it to
use the full 1GB.

That was under RH 8, though.
Mike Nolan

Re: hardware requirements under Redhat (fwd)

"Joshua D. Drake"
>The last time I built an RH system, one with 1GB, I had to recompile
>the kernel and change the 'High Memory Support' setting to get it to
>use the full 1GB.
>That was under RH 8, though.
Even on redhat 8, all you have to do is install the bigmem kernel...
which does ship with RH8.

>Mike Nolan
>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>TIP 4: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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