Обсуждение: do child tables inherit indexes?


do child tables inherit indexes?

do child tables inherit the indexes declared for a parent table? or do i
need to redeclare the index on each child table?

for example:

  create table fee ( fie text );
  create index fee_index on fee ( fie );

  create table foe ( fum text ) inherits foo;
  create index foe_index on foe ( fie );      -- do i need to do this?


Floyd Shackelford
4 Peaks Technology Group, Inc.
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Alabama State Motto: AUDEMUS JURA NOSTRA DEFENDERE - We Dare Defend Our

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"We have allowed our constitutional republic to deteriorate into a virtually
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candidate who will uphold the rule of law." --Rep. Ron Paul

Re: do child tables inherit indexes?

Karsten Hilbert
> Shackelford Motto: ACTA NON VERBA - Actions, not words
Your sig defies your motto.

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