Обсуждение: native win32 version


native win32 version

Christian Traber

sometime ago I heard that there will be a native win32 version of
postgresql 7.4.
Is this true or will there only be a cygwin version like now?

What do you think, how stable and fast is the cygwin version?

Best regards,

Re: native win32 version

Robert Treat
On Wed, 2003-08-20 at 02:17, Christian Traber wrote:
> Hi,
> sometime ago I heard that there will be a native win32 version of
> postgresql 7.4.
> Is this true or will there only be a cygwin version like now?

The native win32 port has been pushed back from 7.4 into (hopefully)
7.5, but cygwin version will still be available as always.

> What do you think, how stable and fast is the cygwin version?

Well, some people do run in in production using the cygwin version, so
it is stable enough and fast enough for some folks. I don't think you'll
ever see a recommendation from the development group to run postgresql
on windows over a *nix OS for production purposes (even when native
win32 comes about, theres just too much lacking in windows) however for
development purposes it should be more than fine.

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter Lamp :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL