Обсуждение: insert and heritage...


insert and heritage...

stephane parenton
hi everyone.... i'm having a slight problem understanding something....
I've bought a book about programming postgres, and there's a part
concerning heritage.... so as i need to implement something like this in
my work, i'm testing it.

I have a database called project (no matter the name)... It contains
several tables. One of them is called "equipements" and has 5 columns :

CREATE TABLE equipements (id serial, adresseMac macaddr NOT NULL UNIQUE,
adresseIp cidr, etat char, administrable bool,primary key(id));

so i entered a first value in this table with :
INSERT INTO equipements (administrable,adresseip,adressemac,etat) VALUES

so far so good.

now, i have another table called "postetravail" that inherits from
"equipements".... it was created like this :

CREATE TABLE postetravail (nom char) INHERITS (equipements);

i want this table to have quite the same columns as "equipments", but
all i need for this entity is a name. When i look every column with sun
one studio (for example), i see them right...

my first trouble comes from the state of "id", that is no more a primary
key in "postetravail" while it was in "equipements", and it's located
between "etat" and "nom"
now i have


while i was awaiting :

id (primary key)

the next problem concerns the insert :

INSERT INTO postetravail (administrable,adresseip,adressemac,etat,nom)
VALUES ('false','','FF:EE:DD:CC:BB:AB','1','big')\g
ERROR:  value too long for type character(1)

What is the problem.... I have the values in the correct order (i
guess), and i keep having this error... i tried to add the id column in
the insert, but it did not solve the problem....

Does somebody have clues for these 2 problems ?

Re: insert and heritage...

stephane parenton
hi Len,

Len Morgan a écrit:

>the next problem concerns the insert :
>INSERT INTO postetravail (administrable,adresseip,adressemac,etat,nom)
>VALUES ('false','','FF:EE:DD:CC:BB:AB','1','big')\g
>ERROR:  value too long for type character(1)
>Administrable is defined as char (i.e., length of one) and 'false' is 5
>characters.  You probably want type Boolean instead of character.
Sure ;-)
i want boolean type, that's why the parent table "equipement" is
declared with :

CREATE TABLE equipements (id serial, adresseMac macaddr NOT NULL UNIQUE,
adresseIp cidr, etat char, administrable bool,primary key(id));
CREATE TABLE postetravail (nom char) INHERITS (equipements);

from the dump file i've made, i have the result :

CREATE TABLE equipements (
    id serial NOT NULL,
    adressemac macaddr NOT NULL,
    adresseip cidr,
    etat character(1),
    administrable boolean
CREATE TABLE postetravail (
    nom character(1)
INHERITS (equipements);

COPY postetravail (id, adressemac, adresseip, etat, administrable, nom)
FROM stdin;

and there administrable is boolean, so why postetravail that inherits
from equipement should not be the same ? am i doing wrong with the
parameters order ?


Re: insert and heritage... ooops... solved

stephane parenton
stephane parenton a écrit:

> hi Len,
> Len Morgan a écrit:
>> the next problem concerns the insert :
>> INSERT INTO postetravail
>> (administrable,adresseip,adressemac,etat,nom) VALUES
>> ('false','','FF:EE:DD:CC:BB:AB','1','big')\g
>> ERROR:  value too long for type character(1)
>> Administrable is defined as char (i.e., length of one) and 'false' is 5
>> characters.  You probably want type Boolean instead of character.
> CREATE TABLE postetravail (
>    nom character(1)
> )
> INHERITS (equipements);

hemmmmmmm.... let's say i'd better read my scripts before posting !!!!!!
if i tell the name to be stored only with char(1), it won't fit my needs
when i try to enter a longer name.... ;-)

sorry !!!! my fault !
