Обсуждение: 7.4Beta



Peter Childs
    Just loaded up 7.4Beta on a test system, to try and work out what the major
changes are/improvements.... I also started up pg_vacuum as this is now
working very well on our semi-live system (semi-live because we have not
finished developing the system yet.....)
    Anyway. After trying to throw our 7.3 config file at it and it crashed badly
I resorted to the defaults. some of the settings in the config file have
changed. (Can somone make the config files backward compatable so at least
they ignor depricated settings!)
    I throw last nights backup at it. Data went in in about 1/2 an hour then the
constraints went in and they took at age. about 2 hours.....
    Is there anyway to speed up the database constraint code? Because quite
frankly at the current speed your probably better off without the
constraints.... (Same problem with 7.3 come to think about it.)
    Otherwise 7.4. seams fine.
    Question, when is replication and rolling backup comming. I want to be able
to take the last backup and a list of all the updates since then and get back
to the current database quickly.

Peter Childs