Обсуждение: ERROR: stat failed on file '$libdir/plpgsql': No such file or di rectory


ERROR: stat failed on file '$libdir/plpgsql': No such file or di rectory

Elielson Fontanezi
I need other help on that:
postgres$ createlang plpgsql template1
ERROR:  stat failed on file '$libdir/plpgsql': No such file or directory
createlang: language installation failed
Why of this error?
Linux PgServer.prodam 2.4.18-14 #1 Wed Sep 4 11:57:57 EDT 2002 i586 i586 i386 GNU/Linux
PostgreSQL 7.3.4

                                   >\\\!/<     55 11 5080 9283
                                   !_"""_!     Elielson Fontanezi
                                   (O) (o)     PRODAM - Technical Support Analyst
Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.
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Re: ERROR: stat failed on file '$libdir/plpgsql': No such file or di rectory

Tom Lane
Elielson Fontanezi <ElielsonF@prodam.sp.gov.br> writes:
> postgres$ createlang plpgsql template1
> ERROR:  stat failed on file '$libdir/plpgsql': No such file or directory
> createlang: language installation failed
> Why of this error?

Well, do you have a plpgsql.so in your libdir?

If you're not sure where libdir points to, ask pg_config:
    $ pg_config --pkglibdir
    // should get some path or other
then look to see what's in that directory.

If you don't see plpgsql.so, then you have an incomplete installation,
or perhaps plpgsql.so was put in the wrong place.  If you do see it then
there's some kind of dynamic-linking problem --- looking in the
postmaster's stderr log may help you find out what.

            regards, tom lane