Обсуждение: PC color icon data?


PC color icon data?

"Johnson, Shaunn"


Running PostgreSQL 7.2.1 on RedHat Linux 7.2.

I know this will sound stupid, but can someone
tell me what this means: 'PC color icon data' ?

Background: I copy a table out to a .txt file
by doing this:

psql -U postgres -d bcn -c "\\copy measures to
'/tmp/fiveyears.txt' using delimiters '\|'"

and when I use it elsewhere or if I type 'file' to
make sure it's a text file, I get this:

[snip message]

[admin@localserver test]$ file fiveyears.txt
fiveyears.txt: PC color icon data

[/snip message]

I am looking at the owner of this data and I see
a pattern, but I've never heard of something like
this.  So, my *real* question should be:

How does PostgreSQL figure out what the difference
when copying a file?  I have things like "ASCII text",
"ASCII C++ program text", "Netpbm PBM image text",
"Non-ISO extended-ASCII English text, with LF,
NEL line terminators", etc ... and can I convert
them to just ASCII?



Re: PC color icon data?

Karsten Hilbert
> How does PostgreSQL figure out what the difference
> when copying a file?
It doesn't. 'file' does. The data you export just happens to
look like the formats 'file' thinks it is in. And maybe it is.
Have you tried actually *looking* at the data in question ?

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Re: PC color icon data?

"Johnson, Shaunn"

--yes, i've looked at it.  it appears fine.
--i just can't do a lot with it because
--i am getting errors like 'trailing null missing'
--and the like.

--i'm going to try to use MS Access or something to
--move the data around.  even when i 'cp' / 'cat' /
--'cut and paste' the data, 'file' gives me the same

--what i don't get (and this could be a Unix question)
--is why there are differences anyway.  it would
--seem to me that if the data is being copied
--out the same way, from the same location, the
--results should be the same.

--i would't think that 'file' would see different
--formats when the source should be the same.


>>> How does PostgreSQL figure out what the difference
>>> when copying a file?
>>It doesn't. 'file' does. The data you export just happens to
>>look like the formats 'file' thinks it is in. And maybe it is.
>>Have you tried actually *looking* at the data in question ?