Обсуждение: Question



Temitope Omisore

Hello my name is Temi. I am new to PostgreSQL. I am thinking of building a little application using PostgreSQL  for a small business I am trying to run. I have a question that I will like you to answer for me if you don't mind.

1.  After constructing a DB, I want a front end application where users can can input data that goes into the PostgreSQL Database , search for data in the database, basically do a whole lot of functions on the front end application, by just pushing various buttons on the  front end, kind of like Oracle forms. My question is how do I go about achiving this.  Is there any third party app I can use for this, or does PostgreSQL  have an app to downlaod that can do this function. Your input will be greatly appreciated. Thank you and have a good day.


Also is there a PostgreSQL for the windows platform, 98, 200 and xp

           Temi Omisore

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