Обсуждение: Query Help


Query Help

Hi All

SELECT TotalErrors.Year, TotalErrors.month, TotalReported, ClosedErrors, OpenErrors, FixedErrors FROM

( SELECT DISTINCT EXTRACT( MON FROM logdate ) AS month, EXTRACT ( YEAR FROM logdate) AS year, COUNT(tblInformation.Inforid ) AS TotalReported

FROM tblInformation

INNER JOIN tblError ON tblInformation.inforid = tblError.inforid

INNER JOIN tblErrorStatus ON tblErrorStatus.statusid = tblError.statusid

INNER JOIN tblJobInformation ON tblJobInformation.inforid = tblInformation.inforid

WHERE logdate >= '2002-01-01' AND logdate < now() AND tblJobInformation.projectid = 33

GROUP BY year, month ) AS TotalErrors


( SELECT DISTINCT EXTRACT( MON FROM logdate ) AS month , EXTRACT ( YEAR FROM logdate) AS year, COUNT(tblInformation.Inforid ) AS ClosedErrors

FROM tblInformation

INNER JOIN tblError ON tblInformation.inforid = tblError.inforid

INNER JOIN tblErrorStatus ON tblErrorStatus.statusid = tblError.statusid

INNER JOIN tblJobInformation ON tblJobInformation.inforid = tblInformation.inforid

WHERE logdate >= '2002-01-01' AND logdate < now() AND tblError.statusid = 2 AND tblJobInformation.projectid = 33

GROUP BY year, month ) As ClosedErrors

ON TotalErrors.month = ClosedErrors.month


( SELECT DISTINCT EXTRACT( MON FROM logdate ) AS month, EXTRACT ( YEAR FROM logdate) AS year, COUNT(tblInformation.Inforid ) AS OpenErrors

FROM tblInformation

INNER JOIN tblError ON tblInformation.inforid = tblError.inforid

INNER JOIN tblErrorStatus ON tblErrorStatus.statusid = tblError.statusid

INNER JOIN tblJobInformation ON tblJobInformation.inforid = tblInformation.inforid

WHERE logdate >= '2002-01-01' AND logdate < now() AND tblError.statusid = 6 AND tblJobInformation.projectid = 33

GROUP BY year, month ) AS OpenErrors

ON TotalErrors.month = OpenErrors.month


( SELECT DISTINCT EXTRACT( MON FROM logdate ) AS month, EXTRACT ( YEAR FROM logdate) AS year, COUNT(tblInformation.Inforid ) AS FixedErrors

FROM tblInformation

INNER JOIN tblError ON tblInformation.inforid = tblError.inforid

INNER JOIN tblErrorStatus ON tblErrorStatus.statusid = tblError.statusid

INNER JOIN tblJobInformation ON tblJobInformation.inforid = tblInformation.inforid

WHERE logdate >= '2002-01-01' AND logdate < now() AND tblError.statusid = 5 AND tblJobInformation.projectid = 33

GROUP BY year, month ) AS FixedErrors

ON TotalErrors.month = FixedErrors.month

ORDER BY TotalErrors.Year, TotalErrors.month

Using this query I am expecting result as
year month totalreported closederrors openerrors fixederrors 
2002 31 29  
2002 85 60  25 
2002 16 12  
2002 41 29  12 
2002 48   48 
2002 10 51   51 
2002 11 69 15  54 
2002 12   
2003 38   38 
But Retreiving result as
year month totalreported closederrors openerrors fixederrors 
2002 31 29  
2002 31 29  
2002 85 60  25 
2002 85 60  38 
2002 16 12  
2002 41 29  12 
2002 48   48 
2002 10 51   51 
2002 11 69 15  54 
2002 12   
2003 29  
2003 29  
2003 38 60  25 
2003 38 60  38 
I mean I values retreives across years data is repeating.
May I know how can I get expected results by above query.

Re: Query Help

Stephan Szabo
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, shreedhar wrote:

> Using this query I am expecting result as
>       year  month  totalreported  closederrors  openerrors  fixederrors
>       2002  1  31  29    2
>       2002  2  85  60    25
>       2002  3  16  12    4
>       2002  5  41  29    12
>       2002  7  48      48
>       2002  8  1      1
>       2002  10  51      51
>       2002  11  69  15    54
>       2002  12  8      8
>       2003  1  9     9
>       2003  2  38      38
> But Retreiving result as
>       year  month  totalreported  closederrors  openerrors  fixederrors
>       2002  1  31  29    2
>       2002  1  31  29    9
>       2002  2  85  60    25
>       2002  2  85  60    38
>       2002  3  16  12    4
>       2002  5  41  29    12
>       2002  7  48      48
>       2002  8  1      1
>       2002  10  51      51
>       2002  11  69  15    54
>       2002  12  8      8
>       2003  1  9  29    2
>       2003  1  9  29    9
>       2003  2  38  60    25
>       2003  2  38  60    38
> I mean I values retreives across years data is repeating.
> May I know how can I get expected results by above query.

Hmm, what version are you using and what are the definitions of the tables
and what do the component subselects generate?  I don't see anything
obviously wrong (although I'd think that the distinct clauses are
unnecessary with the group by), so I could have missed something or you
could be hitting a bug, but without something to plug in to try with it's
hard to tell.

Select aliasses in where and other places of the selectlist?

Arjen van der Meijden
Hi List,

I know it isn't possible to do queries like:
SELECT 1 AS c, c + 1 AS d;

Other queries that aren't possible are those:
SELECT intfield AS a, intfield * intfield AS square FROM tableX WHERE a
< 10 AND square < 50

Of course, these are bogus examples to simply illustrate my point :)
But is there a good reason not to support it or is it something like
"not yet implemented", "not interesting" or "to complex to (easily)

Best regards,


Re: Select aliasses in where and other places of the

Stephan Szabo
On Sat, 29 Mar 2003, Arjen van der Meijden wrote:

> I know it isn't possible to do queries like:
> SELECT 1 AS c, c + 1 AS d;
> Other queries that aren't possible are those:
> SELECT intfield AS a, intfield * intfield AS square FROM tableX WHERE a
> < 10 AND square < 50
> Of course, these are bogus examples to simply illustrate my point :)
> But is there a good reason not to support it or is it something like
> "not yet implemented", "not interesting" or "to complex to (easily)
> implement".

For the second, in the theoretical model, where clause entries are
processed before the select list is evaluated.  You don't want to evaluate
the entire select list before testing the where (what if there's an
expensive subselect or function).  You could get around that by only doing
the referenced ones, but you still run into issues if a select list entry
has the same name as a field in one of the from entries (since to be
complient it must be the field not the select list entry afaics). There'd
have to be a good definition and some real gain (for particularly
complicated cases you can use subselect in from to avoid double typing of
the expression so I personally don't think that's good enough alone).

Re: Select aliasses in where and other places of the selectlist?

Tom Lane
Arjen van der Meijden <acm@tweakers.net> writes:
> I know it isn't possible to do queries like:
> SELECT 1 AS c, c + 1 AS d;

> But is there a good reason not to support it or is it something like
> "not yet implemented", "not interesting" or "to complex to (easily)
> implement".

It's not supported because it would violate the SQL spec.  The spec is
perfectly clear about the scope of names, and a SELECT's output column
names aren't in scope anywhere in the SELECT itself (except in ORDER
BY).  If we treated them as if they were, we'd break queries that rely
on the spec-mandated scoping --- think about cases where the output
column names happen to conflict with column names available from the
input tables.

You can however use a sub-select:
 (SELECT intfield AS a, intfield * intfield AS square FROM tableX) AS ss
WHERE a < 10 AND square < 50

Note that it'd be unwise to assume this technique will eliminate
double evaluations of expressions.  But it saves having to type them
more than once, at least.

            regards, tom lane