Обсуждение: Avoiding duplications in tables


Avoiding duplications in tables

Deepa K
Hi All,
                I have the following tables.

(1)     tablename : versions

            versionnumber - string

(2)    tablename : applications

            applicationnumber - integer
            other details

(3)    tablename : applicationnumber

          versionnumber  - string
          applicationnumber - integer

(4)    tablename : profilemanager

          versionnumber - string
          profilename       - string
          applicationnumber - integer
           other details

(5)    tablename : profiles

          versionnumber - string
           profilename      - string

Primary key :

(1)    versions : versionnumber
(2)    applicationmanager : versionnumber, applicationnumber
(3)    applications : applicationnumber
(4)    profilemanager : veriosnnumber, profilename, applicationnumber
(5)    profiles : versionnumber, profilename

Relations :

(1)    versionnumber of 'applicationmanager' referes to versionnumber of

          'versions' table.
(2)    applicationnumber of 'applicationmanager' referes to
          applicationnumber of 'applications' table.
(3)    versionnumber and applicationnumber of 'profilemanager' referes
          to versionnumber and applicationnumber of
(4)    versionnumber and profilename of 'profilemanager' referes ot
          versionnumber and profilename of 'profiles'.
(5)    versionnumber of 'profiles' referes to versionnumber of

In the above design I can able to see duplication of data in all the
tables. If I take out a id out of all these tables to make reference, is

that problem will solve. Is that is
a correct approach.

Can any one help me.

Deepa  K

Re: Avoiding duplications in tables

Hi Deepa,

Let me know that
1) Is tables  ApplicationNumber and ApplicationManager are same ?
2) Why do you have more than one referential key between two tables, Which
will makes process very slow.

If answer to the first question as 'yes' and answer to the second question
as 'I can change it to single referential key'
You can look the following design which will wipe out redundancy.

(1)     tablename : versions

            versionnumber - string

(2)    tablename : applications

            applicationnumber - integer
            other details

(3)    tablename : applicationnumber    -- CHANGED

          ApplicaitonNumberId Integer
          versionnumber  - string
          applicationnumber - integer

(4)    tablename : profilemanager    -- CHANGED

        ApplicationNumberId - Integer
        ProfileId - Integer
           other details

(5)    tablename : profiles    -- CHANGED

         ProfileId - Integer
          versionnumber - string
           profilename      - string

Primary key :

(1)    versions : versionnumber
(2)    applicationmanager ( ApplicationNumber) :  ApplicationNumberId    --
(3)    applications : applicationnumber
(4)    profilemanager :  ProfileId, ApplicationNumberId     -- CHANGED
(5)    profiles : ProfileId     -- CHANGED

Relations :

(1)    versionnumber of 'applicationmanager/ApplicationNumber' referes to
versionnumber of

          'versions' table.
(2)    applicationnumber of 'applicationmanager/ApplicationNumber' referes
to  applicationnumber of 'applications' table.
(3)    ApplicationNumberId of 'profilemanager' referes to
ApplicationNumberId of 'applicationmanager'.  -- CHANGED
(4)    ProfileId of  'profilemanager' referes to ProfileId of 'profiles'. --
(5)    versionnumber of 'profiles' referes to versionnumber of  'versions'.

I Think this design will serve your purpose (which will move redundancy).

Sreedhar Baskararaju

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TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Deepa K" <kdeepa@midascomm.com>
To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2003 12:33 PM
Subject: [GENERAL] Avoiding duplications in tables

> Hi All,
>                 I have the following tables.
> (1)     tablename : versions
>             versionnumber - string
> (2)    tablename : applications
>             applicationnumber - integer
>             other details
> (3)    tablename : applicationnumber
>           versionnumber  - string
>           applicationnumber - integer
> (4)    tablename : profilemanager
>           versionnumber - string
>           profilename       - string
>           applicationnumber - integer
>            other details
> (5)    tablename : profiles
>           versionnumber - string
>            profilename      - string
> Primary key :
> ---------------
> (1)    versions : versionnumber
> (2)    applicationmanager : versionnumber, applicationnumber
> (3)    applications : applicationnumber
> (4)    profilemanager : veriosnnumber, profilename, applicationnumber
> (5)    profiles : versionnumber, profilename
> Relations :
> -----------
> (1)    versionnumber of 'applicationmanager' referes to versionnumber of
>           'versions' table.
> (2)    applicationnumber of 'applicationmanager' referes to
>           applicationnumber of 'applications' table.
> (3)    versionnumber and applicationnumber of 'profilemanager' referes
>           to versionnumber and applicationnumber of
> 'applicationmanager'.
> (4)    versionnumber and profilename of 'profilemanager' referes ot
>           versionnumber and profilename of 'profiles'.
> (5)    versionnumber of 'profiles' referes to versionnumber of
>            'versions'.
> In the above design I can able to see duplication of data in all the
> tables. If I take out a id out of all these tables to make reference, is
> that problem will solve. Is that is
> a correct approach.
> Can any one help me.
> regards,
> Deepa  K
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> http://archives.postgresql.org

Re: Avoiding duplications in tables

Dennis Gearon
Look for articles on 'surrogate primary keys'. In the system you have below, if
you change profilename, or any other string value that's used as a key, your
database has to change all of those in all  fields. With a surrogate key, that
doesn't happen.

This reduces database loading, and also the likelyhood of errors. Also,looking
things up by strings in searches is slower. If you use a surrogate key, then
only ONE search for the string is done, and the remaining searches are done for
an integer, MUCH faster. The 'serial' datatype is made for this.

it does complicate your SQL statements and require subselects, however. But
among open source DB's, Postgres stands out as the one that has supported
subsellects and foreign keys the longest and most thoroughly, so you're in luck.

Here is the same table that I used for a create table syntax example, which you
can now look at for a surrogate key example:

     phone_num_id serial NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
     phon_num varchar(32) NOT NULL UNIQUE,

Deepa K wrote:
> Hi All,
>                 I have the following tables.
> (1)     tablename : versions
>             versionnumber - string
> (2)    tablename : applications
>             applicationnumber - integer
>             other details
> (3)    tablename : applicationnumber
>           versionnumber  - string
>           applicationnumber - integer
> (4)    tablename : profilemanager
>           versionnumber - string
>           profilename       - string
>           applicationnumber - integer
>            other details
> (5)    tablename : profiles
>           versionnumber - string
>            profilename      - string
> Primary key :
> ---------------
> (1)    versions : versionnumber
> (2)    applicationmanager : versionnumber, applicationnumber
> (3)    applications : applicationnumber
> (4)    profilemanager : veriosnnumber, profilename, applicationnumber
> (5)    profiles : versionnumber, profilename
> Relations :
> -----------
> (1)    versionnumber of 'applicationmanager' referes to versionnumber of
>           'versions' table.
> (2)    applicationnumber of 'applicationmanager' referes to
>           applicationnumber of 'applications' table.
> (3)    versionnumber and applicationnumber of 'profilemanager' referes
>           to versionnumber and applicationnumber of
> 'applicationmanager'.
> (4)    versionnumber and profilename of 'profilemanager' referes ot
>           versionnumber and profilename of 'profiles'.
> (5)    versionnumber of 'profiles' referes to versionnumber of
>            'versions'.
> In the above design I can able to see duplication of data in all the
> tables. If I take out a id out of all these tables to make reference, is
> that problem will solve. Is that is
> a correct approach.
> Can any one help me.
> regards,
> Deepa  K
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> http://archives.postgresql.org