Обсуждение: data transfer between databases


data transfer between databases

Keshava Krishnagiri

Hi ,

Can anyone suggest a good method to perform frequent data transfers (for eg. every 10 minutes) between 2 databases in PostgreSQL (on Linux) on same machine ?

Thanks in advance for the suggestions.


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Re: data transfer between databases

"Daniel R. Anderson"
> Can anyone suggest a good method to perform frequent data transfers (for eg. every 10 minutes) between 2 databases in
PostgreSQL(on Linux) on same machine ? 

Look up pg_dump, pg_dumpall, and COPY in the user manual.  It should be
relatively easy to use cron to dump to a certain file every 10 minutes
and then send it to another computer.

That should be all you need if you just need to create a copy of
databases (i.e. you want an off site backup).  If you're looking to sync
databases against each other I *think* it may be possible to use a text
editor like emacs or vi to compare dumps between computers -- but that's
just speculation on my part.

Perhaps a Postgresql guru can chip in?

Daniel R. Anderson
Great Lakes Industries, Inc.
80 Pineview Ave.
Buffalo, NY 14218
(716) 691-5900 x218

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