Обсуждение: Getting Started in Postgresql


Getting Started in Postgresql

Daniel Anderson

At work I was assigned the task of migrating a
very large (and very unmanageable) MS Access
database to a solution that would be massively
scalable and support a number of simultaneous
users and features.[1]

After lengthy study I concluded that Postgresql
running on OpenBSD would be ideal[2].  So now I
am designing and implementing programs to allow a
number of clients to connect to the database over
the network.[3]

I was wondering if anybody could recommend good
books, resources, references, or otherwise
general starting points to help steer me in the
right direction?  I've been through the docs and
at this point am just trying to remember
everything (it's quite overwhelming!)  But any
suggestions to make the life of a postgres noob
easier would be welcomed.  =)


Dan Anderson
Lab Rat and Helper Monkey
Great Lakes Industries, Inc.

[1]  I've already figured out that I can save MS
Access files as text and COPY them to the
postgres database.
[2]  The discussion of exactly why I chose
OpenBSD and Postgresql is beyond the scope of
this e-mail, but I would be more then happy to
discuss/debate/explain why to anybody who e-mails
me.  (dan3487@yahoo.com)
[3]  Suffice it to say each and every OpenBSD box
needs to completely automate connection to the
database (including the use of barcode scanners)
at a number of different points across the floor,
all connected via 802.11b.  So my job is to
design a system and code it to make it work.

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Re: Getting Started in Postgresql

Jeff Eckermann
There is plenty to learn about PostgreSQL, but you are
more likely to have actual trouble in dealing with the
strange ways of MS Access.  These oddities are not
visible while you are doing everything in Access, but
start to appear when you go down the linked tables

Your procedure is simple enough conceptually:
1. Migrate your data to PostgreSQL
2. Set up the ODBC driver with appropriate DSN(s)
3. Link to the new tables

As usual, the devil is in the details.

Migration: there are various ways you could do this.
I have had good success using the migration wizard
that comes as a plugin with PGAdminII:
I recommend that you look at PGAdminII, both for
migration and as a good tool for interacting with
PostgreSQL from Windows.

ODBC:  Check out http://odbc.postgresql.org .  You can
get the ODBC driver there, and plenty of information
too (if you install PGAdminII, I believe you will get
the ODBC driver as part of the package).

General PostgreSQL:  You appear to have looked at the
documentation already.  Make sure to check out
http://techdocs.postgresql.org , which has plenty of
useful practical information.  Also, I suggest that
you subscribe to the pgsql-odbc mailing list, if you
have not done so already.  You can find answers to
most problems by searching the archives of that list.

Access: the almost-canonical "Access Developers
Handbook" has a good coverage of the issues involved
in linking via ODBC to remote databases.  That book is
an excellent resource for Access in all ways, and I
suggest that you get it if you don't have it already.

If you have specific difficulties/questions just post
to the -general or -odbc lists (depending on the
subject matter), but please be sure to check the
mailing list archives first (go to

--- Daniel Anderson <dan3487@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> At work I was assigned the task of migrating a
> very large (and very unmanageable) MS Access
> database to a solution that would be massively
> scalable and support a number of simultaneous
> users and features.[1]
> After lengthy study I concluded that Postgresql
> running on OpenBSD would be ideal[2].  So now I
> am designing and implementing programs to allow a
> number of clients to connect to the database over
> the network.[3]
> I was wondering if anybody could recommend good
> books, resources, references, or otherwise
> general starting points to help steer me in the
> right direction?  I've been through the docs and
> at this point am just trying to remember
> everything (it's quite overwhelming!)  But any
> suggestions to make the life of a postgres noob
> easier would be welcomed.  =)
> Thanks,
> Dan Anderson
> Lab Rat and Helper Monkey
> Great Lakes Industries, Inc.
> [1]  I've already figured out that I can save MS
> Access files as text and COPY them to the
> postgres database.
> [2]  The discussion of exactly why I chose
> OpenBSD and Postgresql is beyond the scope of
> this e-mail, but I would be more then happy to
> discuss/debate/explain why to anybody who e-mails
> me.  (dan3487@yahoo.com)
> [3]  Suffice it to say each and every OpenBSD box
> needs to completely automate connection to the
> database (including the use of barcode scanners)
> at a number of different points across the floor,
> all connected via 802.11b.  So my job is to
> design a system and code it to make it work.
> __________________________________________________
> Do you Yahoo!?
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> ---------------------------(end of
> broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the
> unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to

Do you Yahoo!?
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Re: Getting Started in Postgresql


On Wed, 12 Mar 2003, Daniel Anderson wrote:

> I was wondering if anybody could recommend good
> books, resources, references, or otherwise
> general starting points to help steer me in the
> right direction?  I've been through the docs and
> at this point am just trying to remember
> everything (it's quite overwhelming!)  But any
> suggestions to make the life of a postgres noob
> easier would be welcomed.  =)

Read the administrator's guide again and again.  When you first
start running Postgresql there's so much good information in there that it
can't really all stick the first few times, it has to build up by layers.

Re: Getting Started in Postgresql

Serkan Bektaþ
for database migration, you can use the pgadmin's database migration plug-in

you can find pgadmin at

Serkan Bektas

-----Original Message-----
From: pgsql-general-owner@postgresql.org
[mailto:pgsql-general-owner@postgresql.org]On Behalf Of Daniel Anderson
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 1:26 PM
To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
Subject: [GENERAL] Getting Started in Postgresql


At work I was assigned the task of migrating a
very large (and very unmanageable) MS Access
database to a solution that would be massively
scalable and support a number of simultaneous
users and features.[1]

After lengthy study I concluded that Postgresql
running on OpenBSD would be ideal[2].  So now I
am designing and implementing programs to allow a
number of clients to connect to the database over
the network.[3]

I was wondering if anybody could recommend good
books, resources, references, or otherwise
general starting points to help steer me in the
right direction?  I've been through the docs and
at this point am just trying to remember
everything (it's quite overwhelming!)  But any
suggestions to make the life of a postgres noob
easier would be welcomed.  =)


Dan Anderson
Lab Rat and Helper Monkey
Great Lakes Industries, Inc.

[1]  I've already figured out that I can save MS
Access files as text and COPY them to the
postgres database.
[2]  The discussion of exactly why I chose
OpenBSD and Postgresql is beyond the scope of
this e-mail, but I would be more then happy to
discuss/debate/explain why to anybody who e-mails
me.  (dan3487@yahoo.com)
[3]  Suffice it to say each and every OpenBSD box
needs to completely automate connection to the
database (including the use of barcode scanners)
at a number of different points across the floor,
all connected via 802.11b.  So my job is to
design a system and code it to make it work.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

Re: Getting Started in Postgresql

"Ian Harding"
Congratulations!  You will be very happy with your choices.  The only change I would make is 's/Open/Net/g' but that's

Your main concerns are not PostgreSQL or OpenBSD specific.  They are

1.  Unix-like operating system versus MS Windows.  This is a big difference, but the changes are ALL positive.  Any
bookthat teaches the basics of *nix system administration will help.  There are some good *BSD specific books out
there,although I learned Linux (RedHat) and then migrated to NetBSD.   

2.  Real relational database management system versus "Ronco All In One Database, Report Generator, Application
DevelopmentSystem.  That's right, it slices, it dices, it Juliennes fries..."  Any good book on any good relational
databasemanagement system will do.  The theory is far more important than the syntax or database specific
functionality. I learned MS SQL Server and had absolutely no difficulty whatsoever with PostgreSQL. 

You are very lucky to be allowed to escape the tyrrany of software that makes you work the way it wants, to software
thatworks the way you want.  I went from spending entire 8 hour days trying to figure out how to work around things
likethe fact that Access did not work as advertised (including cut and paste from the Knowledge Base) or discovering
undocumentedlimitations like the number of nested subqueries, to spending my time developing my application. 

Anyway, specifically I recommend Bruce's book for PostgreSQL stuff, and have heard good things about Joe Celko's books
onSQL generally.  The docs are actually quite good, once you come to understand where things are hidden.  I recommend
buyingthem in book form or printing them so you can actually READ them, as opposed to on-line, even though they will be
outof date within minutes of being committed to paper.  You can always refer to the online copies, but for trying to
absorbthe gist of the whole thing, paper is better. 

Have fun!

Ian Harding
Programmer/Analyst II
Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department
(253) 798-3549

"If any man can convince me and bring home to me that I do not think or act aright, gladly will I change; for I search
aftertruth, by which man never yet was harmed. But he is harmed who abideth on still in his deception and ignorance" 

              -- Marcus Aurelius

>>> Daniel Anderson <dan3487@yahoo.com> 03/12/03 03:26AM >>>

At work I was assigned the task of migrating a
very large (and very unmanageable) MS Access
database to a solution that would be massively
scalable and support a number of simultaneous
users and features.[1]

After lengthy study I concluded that Postgresql
running on OpenBSD would be ideal[2].  So now I
am designing and implementing programs to allow a
number of clients to connect to the database over
the network.[3]

I was wondering if anybody could recommend good
books, resources, references, or otherwise
general starting points to help steer me in the
right direction?  I've been through the docs and
at this point am just trying to remember
everything (it's quite overwhelming!)  But any
suggestions to make the life of a postgres noob
easier would be welcomed.  =)


Dan Anderson
Lab Rat and Helper Monkey
Great Lakes Industries, Inc.

[1]  I've already figured out that I can save MS
Access files as text and COPY them to the
postgres database.
[2]  The discussion of exactly why I chose
OpenBSD and Postgresql is beyond the scope of
this e-mail, but I would be more then happy to
discuss/debate/explain why to anybody who e-mails
me.  (dan3487@yahoo.com)
[3]  Suffice it to say each and every OpenBSD box
needs to completely automate connection to the
database (including the use of barcode scanners)
at a number of different points across the floor,
all connected via 802.11b.  So my job is to
design a system and code it to make it work.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Web Hosting - establish your business online

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
    (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)