Обсуждение: Problems receiving posts from the ML


Problems receiving posts from the ML

Francois Suter

I still have problems receiving the mails from the ML. I noticed other
people had problems too, recently. It started about a week ago, when I
stopped receiving the daily digests altogether. After a couple of tries, I
changed my settings to "Daily digests, text format" and started receiving
the mails again, but there are two unsolved issues:

1) I would still prefer the "Daily digests, mime format", for it is more
convenient, but it still doesn't work (I tried to switch back to that for a
while and didn't received any digests again)
2) most digests now contain a single message, making it about as bad as
receiving individual mails?

Any ideas what the problem could be?



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Re: Problems receiving posts from the ML

Jon Swinth
I am also seeing this problem, except I request text messages instead of MIME.
I came back from the weekend to find almost 50 digest messages.  Most with 1
entry and only minutes apart.

On Monday 03 March 2003 12:20 am, pgsql-general-owner@postgresql.org wrote:
> Date: Mon, 03 Mar 2003 09:02:38 +0100
> From: Francois Suter <dba@paragraf.ch>
> To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
> Subject: Problems receiving posts from the ML
> Message-ID: <BA88CAAE.2F9B%dba@paragraf.ch>
> Hi,
> I still have problems receiving the mails from the ML. I noticed other
> people had problems too, recently. It started about a week ago, when I
> stopped receiving the daily digests altogether. After a couple of tries, I
> changed my settings to "Daily digests, text format" and started receiving
> the mails again, but there are two unsolved issues:
> 1) I would still prefer the "Daily digests, mime format", for it is more
> convenient, but it still doesn't work (I tried to switch back to that for a
> while and didn't received any digests again)
> 2) most digests now contain a single message, making it about as bad as
> receiving individual mails?
> Any ideas what the problem could be?
> TIA.
> --------
> Francois