Обсуждение: Weird Trigger behaviour


Weird Trigger behaviour

Glen Eustace
Hi Jeff,

Here is the letter I sent to bugs.


Version 7.2.1

I have a small table with a unique primary key and a second history
table that inherits the first and add a modification tstamp.

If I attempt to insert a duplicate it is not permitted by psql as

I have a trigger on the table to write the OLD record to the history
table. I have tried both before and after, it doesn't change the

When I update a row in the table, I get a duplicate created. i.e. the
update does an insert which allows the duplicate key. I also get the
correct record in the history table.

drop table "vlan_hist";
drop table "vlan";
create table "vlan" (
       "id" integer,
       "name" text,
       "site" text,
       "network" inet,
       "gateway" inet,
       primary key( "id" ) );

create table "vlan_hist" (
       "mod_tstamp" timestamp )
       inherits( "vlan" );

drop function "vlan_mod" ();
create function "vlan_mod" ( ) returns opaque as '
  insert into "vlan_hist" values (
     OLD.id, OLD.name, OLD.site, OLD.network, OLD.gateway,
     ''now()'' );
  return NULL;
' language 'plpgsql';

drop trigger "vlan_mod_trigger" on "vlan";
create trigger "vlan_mod_trigger"
   after UPDATE on "vlan"
   for each row execute procedure "vlan_mod" ();

insert into vlan values ( 1,
'Here','TUR','','' );

netdbase=> update vlan set name='No Ok' where id=1;
netdbase=> select * from vlan;
 id | name  | site |     network      |     gateway
  1 | No Ok | TUR  | |
  1 | Here  | TUR  | |
(2 rows)


Glen and Rosanne Eustace,
GodZone Internet Services, a division of AGRE Enterprises Ltd.,
P.O. Box 8020, Palmerston North, New Zealand 5301
Ph/Fax: +64 6 357 8168, Mob: +64 21 424 015

Re: Weird Trigger behaviour

Alvaro Herrera
Glen Eustace dijo:

> I have a small table with a unique primary key and a second history
> table that inherits the first and add a modification tstamp.

> When I update a row in the table, I get a duplicate created. i.e. the
> update does an insert which allows the duplicate key. I also get the
> correct record in the history table.

This is the expected behavior.  When you do this

> netdbase=> select * from vlan;
>  id | name  | site |     network      |     gateway
> ----+-------+------+------------------+-----------------
>   1 | No Ok | TUR  | |
>   1 | Here  | TUR  | |
> (2 rows)

the rows from both tables are returned.  If you want only the parent
table, you have to use

SELECT * from ONLY vlan;

This behavior changed in 7.1 or so, where you had to indicate that you
wanted to recurse to child tables; in 7.1 and later, you have to
indicate that you do _not_ want to recurse.

There is a known bug in that the inheritance allows you to bypass the
uniqueness check.  This issue and others are being discussed, but won't
be fixed in 7.3 (maybe 7.4 or later)

Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]atentus.com>)
"Some men are heterosexual, and some are bisexual, and some
men don't think about sex at all... they become lawyers" (Woody Allen)