Обсуждение: getting trigger to work


getting trigger to work

Merrill Oveson
This function & trigger work:

create function prosp_tf_bi() returns opaque as '
                if new.pros_id is null then
                     new.pros_id:= 1000;
                end if;
        return new;
        end; ' language 'plpgsql';

create trigger prosp_tr_bi before insert on prospector
           for each row execute procedure prosp_tf_bi();

This function & trigger don't work:

create function prosp_tf_bi() returns opaque as '
                if new.pros_id is null then
                     new.pros_id:= A1000;
                end if;
        return new;
        end; ' language 'plpgsql';

create trigger prosp_tr_bi before insert on prospector
           for each row execute procedure prosp_tf_bi();

The error is "Attribute 'a1000' not found"

The column pros_id is char(5).
How do I put in the  'A1000'?

Re: getting trigger to work

Antonio Sergio de Mello e Souza
Merrill Oveson wrote:

>This function & trigger don't work:
>create function prosp_tf_bi() returns opaque as '
>      begin
>                if new.pros_id is null then
>                     new.pros_id:= A1000;
>                end if;
>        return new;
>        end; ' language 'plpgsql';
>The error is "Attribute 'a1000' not found"
>The column pros_id is char(5).
>How do I put in the  'A1000'?

You need to surround the new value with two pairs of quotation marks,
like this:



Antonio Sergio

Re: getting trigger to work

Oliver Elphick
On Tue, 2002-03-19 at 15:46, Merrill Oveson wrote:

> The error is "Attribute 'a1000' not found"
> The column pros_id is char(5).
> How do I put in the  'A1000'?

                     new.pros_id:= ''A1000'';

Your first example used a number, which was automatically converted to a
char for comparison.

The second was interpreted as an identifier and lower-cased, but you had
no attribute in the table called "a1000".  You need to put it in single
quotes to have it treated as a char constant; since you are inside a
plpgsql program declaration, the quotes need to be doubled up.

Oliver Elphick                                Oliver.Elphick@lfix.co.uk
Isle of Wight                              http://www.lfix.co.uk/oliver
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     " And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes;
      and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor
      crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the
      former things are passed away."
                          Revelations 21:4