Обсуждение: Re: [PHP] case insensitive search


Re: [PHP] case insensitive search

"Culley Harrelson"
I am assuming you still need an index on lower(column_name) in order to *not* do a table scan with ILIKE right?  or upper(column_name)?

>>> Jon Hassen <jhassen@azstarnet.com> 03/15/02 09:36AM >>>
Have you looked in the manual?

Try: 'where ILIKE 'searchword';

At 12:01 PM +0530 3/15/02, arun kv wrote:
>        how to do a case insensitive search on postgresql database. i will
>enter a keyword in text field and it has to search for that keyword in
>keywords field of table and should be case insensitive.
>can i use egrei() function. if so how.here two attributes should be
>strings. but first attribute i will get from previous php page and second
>attribute is field name of database table. how do i do this.
>  pls help me
>      thanking you
>       Arun
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