Обсуждение: phplib and postgres


phplib and postgres

rcaban@ccc-cable.net (roy cabaniss)
I am new to phplib (rather obviously) but not php. I have kernel
2.4.10, postgres 7.0.3 (I tried 7.1.3 but phpPgAdmin did not work with
it and I LIKE that tool), apache, php4. I went to start using phplib
(I tried what follows both with the phplib that came with my distro
and one from sourceforge.) When I get to create_database.pgsql the
following message comes up.

./create_database.pgsql: //: is a directory
./create_database.pgsql: //: is a directory
./create_database.pgsql: //: is a directory
./create_database.pgsql: line 5: syntax error near unexpected token
./create_database.pgsql: line 5: `CREATE TABLE active_sessions

any idea what is happening other than phplib does not like me at the

Things I have tried:
1. I have tried it logged in as root (no surprise that it did not
2. as postgres and another postgres admin user (still no change).
3. phplib from my distro
4. phplib from sourceforge

Here is what looks to be the relevent code from the create database
part of phplib.

// creates basic database layout
// reincarnation of create_database.pgsql
// $Id: create_database.pgsql,v 2000/04/17 16:40:17 kk Exp $

CREATE TABLE active_sessions (
  sid varchar(32) DEFAULT '',
  name varchar(32) DEFAULT '',
  val text,
  changed varchar(14) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (sid,name)

Since phplib is looking for some rather specific things in the
postgres database I don't think I want to just create the tables from


                     roy cabaniss