Обсуждение: VB 6 pro to postgres suggestion needed


VB 6 pro to postgres suggestion needed

"Pat M"
I have scads of documentation on how to connect to and use databases with
VB. Problem is, there's TOO much damned information. Appears that there is
about 9,932,234.3 methods available.

Can anyone suggest what method would be the closest to just using SQL and
not having all these stupid widgety in the way? Something that would act
more like the pg functions of PHP (pg_connect, pg_exec, that sort of thing)
instead of making me bind databases and tables to little push buttony kludgy
MS junk...

Oh yes, I'm aiming for a pure client/server - no activex middle tiers or
anything like that.

I have the docs so don't feel obligated to try and explain the whole
process. just point me and I'll read 8)

Re: VB 6 pro to postgres suggestion needed

Keary Suska
Sure, don't use VB ;-) If you don't want "little push buttony kludgy MS
junk" than you are better off not using an MS product, which are all
designed to work that way.

In all seriousness, you can use Perl or Python, adding TK to the mix if you
want some GUI, and get exactly what you want. I believe you can also create
distributable binaries, although I am not sure how that works since I don't
do Windows.

Keary Suska
Esoteritech, Inc.
"Leveraging Open Source for a better Internet"

> From: "Pat M" <pmeloy@removethispart.home.com>
> Organization: Hub.Org Networking Services (http://www.hub.org)
> Date: Fri, 28 Sep 2001 22:14:44 -0700
> To: pgsql-general@postgresql.org
> Subject: [GENERAL] VB 6 pro to postgres suggestion needed
> I have scads of documentation on how to connect to and use databases with
> VB. Problem is, there's TOO much damned information. Appears that there is
> about 9,932,234.3 methods available.
> Can anyone suggest what method would be the closest to just using SQL and
> not having all these stupid widgety in the way? Something that would act
> more like the pg functions of PHP (pg_connect, pg_exec, that sort of thing)
> instead of making me bind databases and tables to little push buttony kludgy
> MS junk...
> Oh yes, I'm aiming for a pure client/server - no activex middle tiers or
> anything like that.
> I have the docs so don't feel obligated to try and explain the whole
> process. just point me and I'll read 8)
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
> (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)

Re: VB 6 pro to postgres suggestion needed

"Andrea Aime"
You should use ADO objects, in particular ADO.Connection and
ADO.recordset, maybe also ADO.Command. Connection represents
a connection to the database and can execute queries and transactions,
Recordset can be thought as a cursor. The you can bind it directly
to visual controls... something like this:

Private conn As ADODB.Connection
Private rec As ADODB.Recordset

Private Sub Form_Load()
  Set conn = New Connection
  conn.CursorLocation = adUseClient
  conn.ConnectionString = "DSN=PersonDatabase"

  Set rec = conn.Execute("SELECT name, surname FROM person")
  Set txtName.DataSource = rec
  Set txtName.DataField = "name"
  Set txtSurname.DataChanged = rec
  Set txtSurname.DataField = "surname"

  ' If you want to move to the next record of you "cursor"
  ' If you want to move to the previous record of your "cursor"
End Sub

Of course you should install the ODBC driver, set a Data Source Name
in ODBC properties and reference ADO from your project.
Hope this helps
Andrea Aime

Pat M wrote:
> I have scads of documentation on how to connect to and use databases with
> VB. Problem is, there's TOO much damned information. Appears that there is
> about 9,932,234.3 methods available.
> Can anyone suggest what method would be the closest to just using SQL and
> not having all these stupid widgety in the way? Something that would act
> more like the pg functions of PHP (pg_connect, pg_exec, that sort of thing)
> instead of making me bind databases and tables to little push buttony kludgy
> MS junk...
> Oh yes, I'm aiming for a pure client/server - no activex middle tiers or
> anything like that.
> I have the docs so don't feel obligated to try and explain the whole
> process. just point me and I'll read 8)
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 2: you can get off all lists at once with the unregister command
>     (send "unregister YourEmailAddressHere" to majordomo@postgresql.org)