Обсуждение: request for database bug 'war stories'


request for database bug 'war stories'

db_debugging@hotmail.com (Sally Jo Cunningham)

I'm looking for anecdotes describing debugging experiences with
database systems. In particular, I want to hear about how you've
solved particularly difficult bugs that were a real headache in a real
system. The bugs could have occurred in any aspect of a database:
problems with the user interface, the SQL, processing efficiency, data
model, stored procedures/triggers/constraints, etc. I'm interested in
both solved and unsolved bugs.

I'd like to hear about how you solved the problem--did you use any
supporting tools, did you have a systematic approach for homing in on
the bug, did a solution suddenly come to you out of nowhere? What made
this problem particularly memorable? Indeed, was a solution ever

A brief, stream of consciousness style response (right now!) would be
wonderful, and much better than a carefully worked out story (in a few
days). I can then get back to you with further questions if necessary.

I'm collecting these database bug war stories as part of a research
project that is examining the types of difficult database problems
that database professionals (at all levels) experience. These war
stories will be used for analysis only, and no names or other
identifying characteristics of your tales will be stated in the final
(or any other) report.

Thank you for your help!
Sally Jo Cunningham

Dept. of Computer Science
University of Waikato
Hamilton, New Zealand