Обсуждение: PostgreSQL at Federal Open Source Conference...


PostgreSQL at Federal Open Source Conference...

Daniel Freedman

I received a promotional brochure last week for the "Federal Open
Source Conference" run by IDG and scheduled for this October 2-5 in
Washington, DC.  PostgreSQL is the subject of one of the conference
sessions, but, IMHO, it is unfortunately in a somewhat negative light.

The only session (listed in this brochure) that deals with RDBMS's is
the following:

"Migrating from PostgreSQL to DB2 Universal Database on Linux",
presented by a DB2 Product Manager from IBM

It seems unfortunate that a conference to promote open source software
would focus on moving _away_ from a wonderful BSD-licensed product
like Postgres to a closed-source alternative.  Also, I think it would
be a shame if attendees were left with the impression that Postgres
could not satisfy most of their database needs.  Considering that
Great Bridge (and a number of developers) are located near by the
conference, I thought they or others (Postgresql, Inc., independent
developers, etc.) might want to get involved and maybe approach the
conference organizers about a complementary (or combined) session
touting the values and features of Postgres in its own right.

The URL for the conference is: http://www.fedosconference.com
(specific session in question is C34).

BTW, PG team, way to go with 7.1.  Can't wait for future releases.

Take care,


PS I think this email should be on target for the mailing list and of
general interest to the community, but if I misjudged, please accept
my apologies.

Daniel A. Freedman
Laboratory for Atomic and Solid State Physics
Department of Physics
Cornell University