Обсуждение: Modifying a table that other tables refer to for foreigh key


Modifying a table that other tables refer to for foreigh key

"Mihai Gheorghiu"
I have a database with multiple referential integrity links.
I want to make important changes to one of the tables, which is referenced
by other tables for foreign keys (like deleting some columns, or changing
data type).
What would be the easiest way to do it (without re-creating all the other
tables that are refering to it)?
Thanks in advance,

Re: Modifying a table that other tables refer to for foreigh key

Stephan Szabo
On Tue, 29 May 2001, Mihai Gheorghiu wrote:

> I have a database with multiple referential integrity links.
> I want to make important changes to one of the tables, which is referenced
> by other tables for foreign keys (like deleting some columns, or changing
> data type).
> What would be the easiest way to do it (without re-creating all the other
> tables that are refering to it)?

Drop the table, make the changes and use alter table add constraint to
re-add the constraints to the referencing tables (the original constraints
should go away when the other table is dropped)