Обсуждение: Using , instead of . for thousands..


Using , instead of . for thousands..

Hi all...i'm converting an access 97 database to pg and i have a little
problem...since i'ìm in italy....thousand use commas as a separator and not
dots (eg 1,000 not 1.000)... is there a function to instruct postgresql to
use the comma instead of the dot?? I would be very usefull because it would
avoid me to open the files i dump with access and find/replace all the
commas with dots...
Btw ... i'm on some testing and this is my situation:
I have a db that has about 10 tables of which 1 has 200000+ records and
others have about 30000....now this db is in access 97 on a dual pII 600
scsi hd 512 mb RAM ecc ecc (a good machine....) now...for testing i'm using
a celeron 500 with 128 mb ram and udma 66 hd and after having exported the
accessdb into postgres i can see that to open a table with the access
97/dual pIII machine takes me about 10 secs...the same table opened on the
cel with postgres takes about 5 secs...am i crazy or can i really gain so
much speed on pg..??!!??
Thanks for your answers and sorry if my english is not really good..

Re: Using , instead of . for thousands..

"Mitch Vincent"
    1,000 is one thousand, right?

    1.000 is one, right?

    Since the decimal isn't just an arbitrary separator when we're speaking
of decimal numbers (1.00 is certainly a lot different than 1000.00) I guess
I don't follow what the problem is.. How can you have one thousand
represented as 1.000, unless you're storing it as a string for some reason
(say, in a varchar field instead of a float or something)?

    Of course the question might be flying right over my head, sorry if
that's the case :-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "mazzo" <jambo@aruba.it>
To: <pgsql-general@postgresql.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2001 4:02 PM
Subject: Using , instead of . for thousands..

> Hi all...i'm converting an access 97 database to pg and i have a little
> problem...since i'ìm in italy....thousand use commas as a separator and
> dots (eg 1,000 not 1.000)... is there a function to instruct postgresql to
> use the comma instead of the dot?? I would be very usefull because it
> avoid me to open the files i dump with access and find/replace all the
> commas with dots...
> Btw ... i'm on some testing and this is my situation:
> I have a db that has about 10 tables of which 1 has 200000+ records and
> others have about 30000....now this db is in access 97 on a dual pII 600
> scsi hd 512 mb RAM ecc ecc (a good machine....) now...for testing i'm
> a celeron 500 with 128 mb ram and udma 66 hd and after having exported the
> accessdb into postgres i can see that to open a table with the access
> 97/dual pIII machine takes me about 10 secs...the same table opened on the
> cel with postgres takes about 5 secs...am i crazy or can i really gain so
> much speed on pg..??!!??
> Thanks for your answers and sorry if my english is not really good..
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> http://www.postgresql.org/search.mpl

Re: Using , instead of . for thousands..

"Mitch Vincent"
Ok, over my head -- someone has schooled me.. My apologies for the list


Re: Re: Using , instead of . for thousands..

Eugene Lee
On Thu, May 10, 2001 at 03:36:14PM -0400, Mitch Vincent wrote:
:     1,000 is one thousand, right?
:     1.000 is one, right?

Only in America.  The numerical use of commas and decimal points is just
the opposite in other parts of the world like Europe, South America, and
the Middle East.  Perhaps a locale setting is in order?

Eugene Lee