Обсуждение: A pg_dump error.


A pg_dump error.

"hedy Xu"



We are using the postgres7 against Linux. We got a pg_dump error when tired to backup a database using pg_dump. The error message is “PQgetvalue: ERROR! tuple number 0 is out of range 0..-1 Segmentation fault“. We could dump this database when it was created. Our database server can’t be shut down after it goes to live, so we can’t use file system backup. Please help me resolve this problem.


Thanks a lot.




Re: A pg_dump error.

"Dan Langille"
On 12 Jan 2001, at 10:51, hedy Xu wrote:

> We are using the postgres7 against Linux. We got a pg_dump error when tired
> to backup a database using pg_dump. The error message is “PQgetvalue: ERROR!
> tuple number 0 is out of range 0..-1 Segmentation fault“. We could dump this
> database when it was created. Our database server can’t be shut down after
> it goes to live, so we can’t use file system backup. Please help me resolve
> this problem.

I had this problem yesterday.  Before attempting the dump, I had
renamed several tables and created new ones in their place.  Then
copied from the renamed tables to the new tables.  Then I tried the
dump, which failed.  Then I removed the renamed tables. Then the dump

Hope that helps.

Dan Langille
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