Обсуждение: Problem creating database


Problem creating database


I have a problem with a script creating database. I don't know where can be
error. Can you help me, please.

* Error:

    Relation 'empleado' does not exist

* script:


create database multi;

\connect multi

-- Tabla genérica de la que heredan todas las tablas persona.
create table datos_persona (
    dni        text,
    nombre        text,
    calle        int4,
    dirección    text,
    cp        text,
    localidad    int2,
    provincia    int2,
    teléfono    text,
    teléfono2    text,
    e_mail        text,
    fax        text,
    detalle        text,
    activo        bool default 't'

create table pepis (
    cod        serial primary key,
    ss        text
) inherits (datos_persona);

create table cliente (
    cod        serial primary key,
    empresa        text
) inherits (datos_persona);
create index cli_nombre_ndx on cliente (nombre);
create index cli_direccion_ndx on cliente (calle,dirección);
create index cli_telefono_ndx on cliente (teléfono);
create index cli_telefono2_ndx on cliente (teléfono2);
create index cli_cp_ndx on cliente (cp);
create index cli_localidad_ndx on cliente (localidad);
create index cli_provincia_ndx on cliente (provincia);

-- Engloba clientes y administradores. Puede haber varios por aviso.
create table cliente_aviso (
    aviso        int4,
    cliente        int4 references pepis,
    primary key (aviso, cliente)
create index cliente_aviso_cliente_ndx on cliente_aviso (cliente);

create table empleado (
    cod        serial primary key,
    alta        timestamp,
    baja        timestamp,
    s_social    text,
    nombre_usuario    text,        -- Solo tiene valor para los administrativos.
    último_orden    int4        -- Solo tiene valor para los técnicos.
) inherits (datos_persona);
create index emp_nombre_ndx on empleado (nombre);
create index emp_direccion_ndx on empleado (calle,dirección);
create index emp_telefono_ndx on empleado (teléfono);
create index emp_telefono2_ndx on empleado (teléfono2);
create index emp_cp_ndx on empleado (cp);
create index emp_localidad_ndx on empleado (localidad);
create index emp_provincia_ndx on empleado (provincia);

create table administrativo_aviso (
    aviso        int4,
    empleado    int4 references empleado,
    fecha        timestamp,
    comentario    text,
    primary key (aviso, empleado, fecha)
create index adm_aviso_empleado_ndx on administrativo_aviso (empleado);
create index adm_aviso_fecha_ndx on administrativo_aviso (fecha);


I use PG 7.0.2.

Why I obtain error with 'empleado' but not with 'pepis'? Can be a bug?

Thanks for your help.


Re: Problem creating database

Tom Lane
DaVinci <davinci@escomposlinux.org> writes:
> I have a problem with a script creating database. I don't know where can be
> error. Can you help me, please.

>     Relation 'empleado' does not exist

Hm.  I can't duplicate this problem --- running the given script under
7.0.2 produces no error here.  Maybe the problem is platform or locale
specific?  Can anyone else duplicate this error message?

            regards, tom lane

Re: Problem creating database

On Tue, Nov 21, 2000 at 01:49:16AM -0500, Tom Lane wrote:
> DaVinci <davinci@escomposlinux.org> writes:
> > I have a problem with a script creating database. I don't know where can be
> > error. Can you help me, please.
> >     Relation 'empleado' does not exist
> Hm.  I can't duplicate this problem --- running the given script under
> 7.0.2 produces no error here.  Maybe the problem is platform or locale
> specific?  Can anyone else duplicate this error message?

 Problem get out when I detail field name in references lines:

 create table administrativo_aviso (
         cod             serial primary key,
     aviso           int4 not null references aviso(número),  <--¡¡!!
     empleado        int4 not null references empleado(cod),  <--¡¡!!
     fecha           timestamp,
     comentario      text

 If I put only table names, then I get error.

 My locale is 'spanish', and platform i386 with Debian GNU/Linux, Postgresql

