Обсуждение: Can this be done?


Can this be done?

Ashley Clark
I am implementing some set-based trees in a table and I've been writing
some functions to manipulate (delete branch, insert node, move branch)
them and I've run into a problem with the move_branch function.

When I try a select move_tree(13, 25, 0); to move the branch labeled g
to be a child of the branch labeled i I get an ERROR:  Cannot insert a
duplicate key into unique index plan_items_pkey. Why is this happening,
I thought that the primary key constraints should be checked AFTER the
update is finished, am I wrong? Is there some other way to do this in a
single update or will I have to break it up? Can I defer constraint
checking on unique indexes? Any help would be appreciated.

I'll simplify my structure a little here:

create table plan_items (
  lft int4 not null,
  rgt int4 not null,
  name char(50) not null,

  primary key (lft),
  check (lft < rgt),
  check (lft > 0),
  check (rgt > 0)

copy plan_items from stdin;
1    28    a
2    11    b
3    8    e
4    5    j
6    7    k
9    10    f
12    21    c
13    20    g
14    15    l
16    17    m
18    19    n
22    27    d
23    24    h
25    26    i

And now for the function:

create function move_tree(integer, integer, integer)
  returns integer as '
  p_node alias for $3;
  p_parent alias for $4;
  p_brother alias for $5;

  droplft plan_items.lft%TYPE;
  droprgt plan_items.rgt%TYPE;
  newpos plan_items.lft%TYPE;
  select rgt
   into newpos
   from plan_items
   where lft = p_parent;

  if p_brother > 0 then
    select rgt + 1
     into newpos
     from plan_items
     where lft = p_brother;
  end if;

  select lft, rgt
   into droplft, droprgt
   from plan_items
   where lft = p_node;

  /* reorder nodes in position ??? */
  update plan_items set
   lft = case
    when lft between droplft and droprgt then
     lft + newpos - droprgt - 1
    when (lft < droplft) and (lft >= newpos) then
     lft + (droprgt - droplft + 1)
    when (lft > droprgt) and (lft < newpos) then
     lft - (droprgt - droplft + 1)
    else lft end,
   rgt = case
    when rgt between droplft and droprgt then
     rgt + newpos - droprgt - 1
    when (rgt < droplft) and (rgt >= newpos) then
     rgt + (droprgt - droplft + 1)
    when (rgt > droprgt) and (rgt < newpos) then
     rgt - (droprgt - droplft + 1)
    else rgt end;
' language 'plpgsql';

ashley clark


Re: Can this be done?

Tom Lane
Ashley Clark <aclark@ghoti.org> writes:
> Can I defer constraint checking on unique indexes?

No, not at present.  Consider restructuring your UPDATE into sequential
steps so that the intermediate states can't cause index failures.  Or
just don't make the index unique...

            regards, tom lane

Re: Can this be done?

Ashley Clark
* Tom Lane in "Re: [GENERAL] Can this be done?" dated 2000/11/15 00:42
* wrote:

> Ashley Clark <aclark@ghoti.org> writes:
> > Can I defer constraint checking on unique indexes?
> No, not at present.  Consider restructuring your UPDATE into
> sequential steps so that the intermediate states can't cause index
> failures.  Or just don't make the index unique...

Ok, I can live with that. Is this something that's planned for in the

shaky recall


Dump problem


I'm having a problem while dump database (I'm trying
to upgrade from 6.5 to 7.03) . The error message is:

  dumpSequence(val_tmp_uid_seq): 0 (!=1) tuples returned by SELECT

Tell me please, what wrong in my database?

